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"He's a traitor." Yoongi says, handing the masked man a folder.

"Hm..." The man looks at the folder.

"I'm sorry... They told me that they'll kill my family otherwise..." The beaten man presumably known as Jungshik pleads.

"Do I look like I give a fuck about what happens to your family? Ugh, what a waste of my time." The masked man places the folder down and picks up his gun.

"You betrayed me. Now die." The masked man known as Taehyung shoots Jungshik in the head.

Taehyung smirks as he looks at the blood splattered everywhere.

"Ah, what a fun thing to do... Kill the family, too. We don't want the cops on our tail, now do we?" Taehyung smirks as he walks away.

"He's getting out of hand, Joon." Yoongi says, looking at his friend, Namjoon.

"He's gonna keep killing people..." Hoseok says looking at the dead body.

"We can't do anything about it! We should be happy that he cares for his family and friends. As his friends we shouldn't even let him kill these people!" Minji says as she grabs at her hair.

Hoseok sighs as he picks up the bloody folder. He exits the room with the others.

-The next day-

"What's the news you wanted to give me?" Taehyung asks as he raises an eyebrow.

"Mr. Jeon hasn't given the money back. It's been 6 months already." Namjoon says as he looks at Taehyung.

"Then why don't we pay him a visit?" Taehyung says, leaning back in his chair while smirking.

"Taehy-" Namjoon gets cut off by Taehyung.

"Don't call me that. I hate that name." Taehyung says, rubbing his head, remembering the horrible memories.

Namjoon sighs, handing Taehyung a glass of water.

Taehyung grabs the water and gulps it down. Letting out a sigh, he speaks.

"Let's go." Taehyung gets up and grabs his cigarette, lighting it. Taehyung puffs on his cigarette, walking out of the room.

-The Jeons' house-

Namjoon knocks on the door as Taehyung is standing behind him. Hoseok on Taehyung's left and Minji on his right.

Taehyung takes another puff while scanning the house.

Pretty house... sad that it'll go to waste when I'm done with it. Taehyung thinks as he chuckles lowly.

The door opens revealing a maid. The maid gasps in shock seeing the most feared mafia in front of her.

"S- sir. M- Mr. Jeon isn't h- here-" The maid gets pushed to the side by Taehyung.

"Don't lie... I'm sure he's hiding here somewhere. Mr. Jeon!" Taehyung playfully yells.

"Where are you?" He yells again.

"Namjoon, Hobi, stay here. Min, come with me." Taehyung says, dropping his cigarette on the floor, stepping on it.

Taehyung walks around, his dark aura emanating around the quiet house. He stops as he hears yells.

"Sarang noona! I can't find my bunny plushie!!" The crying boy yells out.

"Sir, can I please attend to h-" The maid, Sarang nervously asks.

"I'll go." Taehyung smirks as he looks at the plushie on the couch.

Taehyung walks over to the couch, picking the plushie up in his hands. He steps up the stairs, reaching the top. He sees 6 rooms, peeking in each one. When he gets to the fourth one, he hears the cries again.

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