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The title speaks for itself, but I'll still go in more depth. And before you start to summon demons to curse me, I wanna start off by saying that the same shit has happened to me too.

Life goes on, am I right? I have grown to hate this book. I mean, it started off bumpy, and the plot is iffy. It could be better. Maybe, in the future, I'll rewrite this book. But life has become rly hectic bc of highschool, and just responsibilities in general.

There's too much shit to worry about, and the last thing I need is to worry abt this book. I kept trying to finish it, but I've just fallen out of love for it. It's not me, it's the book. The writing, the plot, the characters, it's all horrible.

I love writing, but it can't take my whole focus away.

Writing isn't as easy as it seems. Especially not a whole ass book. An essay might be easy as hell, but an alternate universe with a whole past, present and future? With added character backgrounds and everything.

I don't want to give you guys the false hope of waiting for a chapter that will never come anymore. I love reading these books, and I love writing them, but I'm sorry.

Unless I have the time and energy to write again, I don't think I will for a long time.

Love all of my supporters ~ <3

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