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Author pov of writing this story lol: This looks so cringe that I'm writing this right now, but I'm doing it. Anyways, I just wanna say that if you're still here, thank you <3 I have some news. I literally have no idea where this story is going *starts wheezing intensely* But, I think I'm starting to put together all the "pieces" of the story, and it might have a decent ending- But, a very important note for EVERYONE. Please stay here lol. I need you to grab your popcorn and coke and pretend this is an interesting movie :D Anyways, enough with this. Time for reading.

The man known as Han knocks on V's office door, knowing that the man doesn't like it if someone barges in as if it's their own room. "Sir, it's urgent." Han knocks again, not getting a reply. Sighing, he walks towards the living room and sees everyone sitting there. "Where is V?" Han asks, confused as he sees everyone but the owner of the mansion. "Who's V??" Jimin asks, perplexed to the new name. "Oh, V is Taehyungs' mafia name." Soobin explains. Jimin nods, his mouth forming a small 'o'.

"He's in his room, Han." Soobin responds, going back to talking with the guests. Han politely nods, walking upstairs to V's room and knocking as gently as he can. "Sir?" The door opens to a slightly annoyed Taehyung, his demeanor completely different than two minutes ago. Two minutes ago he was happily talking to Jungkook, but now he's just pissed that the moment got interrupted. "This better be worth it, Han." Jungkook notices the change in demeanor and walks over to Taehyung, gently tapping his shoulder. "What's wrong, TaeTae?" Taehyung smiles a bit and shakes his head, responding sweetly. "Nothing, baby. Can you go downstairs and wait for TaeTae? I'll be there soon." Jungkook cutely nods and hops downstairs with his plushie still in hand.

V closes the door and walks over to his bed, sitting on it with his hands behind him for balance. He cracks his neck and regains his posture, gaining the attention of Han, who is still dumbfounded from how V changed from annoyed to sweet to arrogant. Clearing his throat, Han looks at V, waiting for permission to speak. V nods and gestures him to speak.

"Sir, there is a man named Lee Jiwoo, and I feel as if we can't trust him. Hyunjin did a background check on him and we found some suspicious activity that he's been related to. I also asked Hyunjin to make a file. I think it's best if you read this all yourself." Han says before bowing and excusing himself to leave the room.

Taehyung relaxes and chuckles a bit while looking at the file. "So, Lee Jiwoo. What's so suspicious about you that even Han can't trust you?" He opens the file to see for himself and the information put before him shocks him. "What the fuck." Taehyung takes a good look at the photo of Jiwoo and feels his head spinning. "AGH!" He holds onto his head, hoping for the pain to go away, but it doesn't work. The file drops onto the floor as he pushes it under his bed so no one will find it. Stumbling over to his bedside table, he starts fumbling with the bottle of pills. He opens it but finds no more pills in there. "Shit..." Was the last word that Taehyung says before his body falls to the ground.

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