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Everyone comes back to the mansion, still wondering where Jungkook and Taehyung went. They actually went to the hospital to check on Taehyung but when they arrived, both Taehyung and Jungkook weren't there.

Taehyung hears the doors opening, and looks in the direction of the sound, hoping that it's Jungkook. His hopes went down the drain when he saw everyone but Jungkook. "What happened, hyung?" Soobin runs over, bending down to check on the upset Taehyung. Everyone follows, looking at Taehyung as if he fainted. By god, he was only crying. Right?

"J- Jungkook-" Taehyung sobs, trying to form a sentence. Jimin widens his eyes, not sure what happened to Jungkook, but worried as hell. What happened to Jungkook? WHAT HAPPENED TO JUNGKOOK?!

Yeonjun steps forward, getting enough of Taehyung's sobs. Grabbing Taehyung's collar, he starts shaking him aggressively. "WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?!" At this point, Jin and Soobin are crying, scared of what happened to him. The suspense that Taehyung is giving is killing them. Meanwhile, Hobi and Minji are looking at the security cameras, not waiting for an answer from Taehyung. Namjoon and Yoongi are looking around the mansion, trying to find Jungkook, with the reminder that maybe he's still there.


"Wait-- rewind the footage on camera 3." Minji says as something caught her eye. The guard rewinds the footage and what they see shocks them. Hobi and Minji both dash into the living room where the others are and tells them what happened.

"Jiwoo..." Minji pants. "We saw him the other day... the new recruit kidnapped him. Lee Jiwoo." Everyone looks at Taehyung, expecting him to be shocked but no, he just keeps crying. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU NOT DOING ANYTHING?!" Jimin yells out in frustration. "BECAUSE I ALREADY KNOW THAT HE'S THE RAT! I ALREADY KNOW THAT HE KIDNAPPED JUNGKOOK!" Jimin, having enough of this bullshit grabs him by the collar and makes him stand up. "Then why didn't you do a damn thing about it earlier." Taehyung looks up at him in pain. "Because I can't."

*** EARLIER***

Taehyung is still crying when someone calls his phone. Picking up, he puts the phone against his ear. "Stop crying, it's annoying."

"Who the fuck are you." Taehyung says as he wipes his tears, trying to stay strong. The man on the other line just starts laughing. "You know who I am. Lee Jiwoo. Ring a bell?" Taehyung's hand forms a fist as he tries to keep calm.

"I have Jungkook as you may have guessed. But he's a little broken. Wanna see?" Jiwoo chuckles as he sends a recording of Jungkook sleeping, tied against a chair. "I'm not gonna say something like, 'if you want him to survive, bring me money'. No no, this is a far too serious matter. I don't want money. I want to kill him. Then I want to kill the rest of your loved ones. Then I'll let you live so you can stay with the pain of knowing that you could do nothing to save any of them. But there's a twist. I want you to watch him die slowly." Jiwoo changes the call to a facetime call. "Now, sit back and watch the show." Jiwoo pulls out a syringe containing a blue substance. "NO! DON'T DO ANYTHING TO HIM!" Taehyung yells in agony, not being able to do anything, just like Jiwoo said. "Shh, I want to do this peacefully." Jiwoo inserts the substance into Jungkook and he hears a small ding from his watch. "Ah, time for a break. We'll resume this later, okay? We'll see the results of the chemicals on our next call." And with that, he declines the call.


"YOU SHOULD HAVE CALLED US!!!" Jin yells as he slaps Taehyung. Namjoon holds Jin back as Yoongi looks at Taehyung with a hint of disappointment in his eyes. "Listen, V. I have a plan. But it's risky."


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