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Taehyung's mind was flooded with concern and pain. What comes next? What's gonna happen to Jungkook? He had so many questions yet to be answered.

Soon, Jackson comes back after a frustrating talk with Jiwoo. Turns out the poison that was injected into Jungkook's system does have a cure, but it's gonna be hell going through the process of finding it.


A low groan is heard as Jungkook wakes up from his sleep, trying to recall some disturbing memories. He started panicking as he looked around the room, scared as to why he's there. All he can think of is one thing. Taehyung. Tears start pouring down his cheeks as his breathing becomes unsteady. He starts to sob as he feels pain everywhere, and can't stop it. Just then, the door opens as he shuts his eyes, frightened as to what will happen next.

A worried Taehyung rushes over to Jungkook, seeing the panicked state of the younger. "Hyung it hurts," Jungkook sobs louder as the older's heart burns hearing the loud cries.

Eventually, Jungkook calms down and falls asleep in Taehyung's arms. Taehyung lays the sleeping beauty down and places a soft kiss on his forehead, before leaving the room silently.

Sorry about the short part, but at least it's an update right!

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