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"Our parents died in a fire... I was the next heir for taking up the mafia business, but I didn't want to. Taehyung, on the other hand, wanted to avenge their deaths. So, instead, he became a mafia leader. And ever since our parents died, he's needed these pills because he has this headache at random times. We don't know what we'd do without those pills."

"So you lied to me, all my life?" Soobin's voice trembles. He is standing at the top of the stairs.

"Soobin-ah, we just didn't know what else to say, we don't know why we lied about this.." Namjoon apologizes.

"So all my life, I've been thinking that our parents left us to go to America when really, they died. What really hurts is that you told me a lie that was worse than the truth." Soobin mutters before walking to his room and slamming the door shut.

Yeonjun, upset by Soobin's frown, goes upstairs to console him. He slowly opens the door, meeting with a crying Soobin. Yeonjun walks over to the upset Soobin and hesitantly hugs him, unaware if that's comforting or not. Soobin hugs back, too upset to reject the hug.

"I'm not even upset that they lied! I'm upset because this whole time, my parents were dead and I didn't get to visit their graves once. I thought that they hated me so they left us! That's what hurts like a hole in my heart! I have no one!" Soobin yells out, hugging Yeonjun tighter, as that hug gives him a sense of comfort he's never felt before. A warm feeling that he wants to live and die with.

Yeonjun, losing grasp over the fact that he's nothing more than just a friend to Soobin, and that he just met him, softly kisses Soobin. Soobin's eyes immediately widen in shock, but nonetheless, he kisses back, with the same passion. The two pull back from the kiss, looking into each others' eyes.

"You have me." Yeonjun smiles. Soobin giggles but soon stops realizing what just happened. "You just stole my first kiss." Yeonjun feels guilty, thinking that Soobin's upset. "But I'm glad because it was you who stole it." Soobin pecks Yeonjun's lips.

I'm hoping to make the entrance of Yoongi in the next part skskkskskksksksks-

I'm hoping to make the entrance of Yoongi in the next part skskkskskksksksks-

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