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How should I tell him this? Jungkook, you're going to go home now. Then, we never meet again. But what if he looks for me? Taehyung, don't be stupid, he doesn't even like you. You were so cruel to him just for saying your name.

Sighing, Taehyung looks at Jungkook. Jungkook on the other hand, is patiently waiting for Taehyung to talk.

Why is Taehyungie taking so long to talk? Is there something wrong with his voice?

"Jungkook, let's get you home, okay? You can meet your hyungs!" Taehyung manages to say, his voice cracking at the end.

Jungkook stands up and worriedly goes up to Taehyung. Placing his soft hand on Taehyungs' back, he asks the most comforting words anyone could hear.

"Are you okay, hyung?"

Taehyung looks at Jungkook with eyes full of pain and tears. He never felt more sorry for anything. No one has ever been more understanding, innocent, beautiful, and kind all at the same time.

Is Taehyungie okay? Maybe he'll miss me... Oh, that's what this is about! Jungkook ponders.

"Ah, I get it! You're gonna miss me! Don't worry, we can meet whenever you want!" Jungkook cheerfully says, flashing his bunny smile.

Taehyung feels someone stabbing at his heart repeatedly.

Hah, why does this bunny make it so hard to leave him?

Taehyung regains his composure and looks directly into Jungkook's eyes coldly. Jungkook gulps in fear.

Maybe he won't miss me... It's probably something else, Jungkook! Ugh, you're so dumb!

"Why would I miss you? We were only hanging out for one day. And this is the last time we're meeting. Bye, Jungkook." Taehyung walks out of the room with tears in his eyes, leaving a dumbfounded Jungkook.

Jungkook looks at Soobin, still confused. "What was TaeTae talking about, hyung?"

Soobin goes to Jungkook and hugs him. "We can't meet again, Jungkook. I'm sorry." And with that, Soobin also leaves the room.

Jungkook looks at Jackson and then the senior officer.

"Did I do something that hyung didn't like again?" Jungkook asks with tears brimming in his eyes.

Jackson looks at Jungkook with pity.

I don't know how, but you've stolen Taehyung's heart... I'm sorry for separating you two, but it's for your own good. Jackson thinks as he walks up to Jungkook, giving him a hug.

"You didn't do anything, Jungkook. Let's get you home." Jackson answers.

Jungkook looks down, tears crashing down like a waterfall. Gripping on the sides of his shirt, he bites his lip.

The only thought rushing through Jungkook's head was, My heart hurts...

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