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Soobin POV

It hurts to see hyung like this. To see him look like a dead man. Hyung has never looked so lifeless... at least not ever since our parents left us. Left us to go to America. That was the last day anyone ever saw hyung cry.

"Hyung? Are you okay?" Soobin gently asks.

Taehyung comes out of his thoughts and lightly smiles, reassuring Soobin that everything is fine. "Yeah, I just had some things on my mind."

-With Jungkook-

Jackson and Jungkook arrive at Jungkook's home. Seeing how Jungkook has been silent the whole time, Jackson asks Jungkook if he's alright.

"Yeah, I'm fine hyung." Jungkook guarantees.

But Jackson can see right behind Jungkook's lie. Seeing how he didn't smile like he did at the station hurt him, like he isn't doing a good thing. Shaking off his thoughts, he clicks the doorbell.

Someone opens the door and it seemed like they were crying a lot.

"JUNGKOOK-AH!" The short person yelled out. After the yell, two other people rushed towards the door. Pushing the short man out of the way, they hugged Jungkook.

"We missed you so much, Jungkook! Are you okay? Did he do anything to y-" The man is cut off by Jungkook's blunt response.

"I'm fine, hyung... Can I go to sleep?"

"Yes, Koo." The other man says, concerned.

After Jungkook leaves, the two avert their attention to Jackson, thanking him.

"Thank you so much, officer. My name is Jin, that's Jungkook's brothers, Jimin and Yeonjun."

"My name is Jackson. Don't worry, V won't be coming your way anymore. Can I ask, where is your father?" Jackson enquires, eager to know where that man has been all this time.

"Um, officer... Our father is actually on an important trip to get the money back somehow. He had an issue with the company and wasn't able to return the money. He left this morning." Yeonjun responds.

"Oh, okay. I hope everything is alright. I'll take my leave now, then." Jackson replies.

-In the car with Jackson-

Something doesn't seem right... Are they lying? Or do they not know? I saw Mr. Jeon just yesterday and he didn't seem the least bit worried about his company. He was just drinking and having the time of his life.

Jackson doesn't have a good feeling about this. Something about this story doesn't add up.

I think there's a deeper meaning behind this... There's something more to this story. Something happened before this, and I need to find the first piece of the puzzle.

Positive about his assumption, Jackson drives to the station.

I may have separated you two, but that doesn't mean that I wanted to. I promise I'll get you back together and figure this out.

SoOoOooOOoOooOo what do you think? This part was kinda rushed so I don't know if it's good.

SoOoOooOOoOooOo what do you think? This part was kinda rushed so I don't know if it's good

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