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-XXXX Airport-

A man wearing a mask and carrying a suitcase walks into the airport. Someone is standing with him as if he's guarding him.

"Are you sure about this? I don't want you to leave so quickly, Jeon. What about your kids-" The man gets cut off.

"Yes, I'm damn sure about this. I feel bad for the boys, of course, but I cannot stay here any longer. That one cop, Jackson is onto me."

The two get to the boarding gate and hear an announcement. "There was a reason why I did it, and you know why. Bye. And don't worry, this won't be the last goodbye, Lee."

Mr. Jeon enters the plane and the plane takes flight. The man, known as 'Lee' turns around and looks down, trying to hold in his laughter. Smirking, he leaves the airport.

Aish, how stupid of you, Jeon... The only one who could keep them safe is now off to America.

-3 months later: With Taehyung-

Taehyung goes back to typing away on his laptop. Days became weeks, weeks became months. It's the same thing everyday for Taehyung. Life was back to normal. That one day felt magical, and yet... Normal. He felt this feeling a long time ago but can't recall when or with who.

Sighing, Taehyung stands up and walks over to his desk, taking a pill and gulping it down with the cold water. He doesn't even know why he needs these pills. He's been doing this for as long as he can remember but doesn't know why he needs these.

Taehyung trudges to the bathroom and looks at himself in the mirror, scanning his whole face. Red, swollen eyes, pale skin, and dried lips were the only visible things.

Feeling lightheaded, he heads out of the bathroom and lays down on the bed, sinking in the sheets. Hugging his pillow, he drifts off to dreamland.

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