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The gang gets to the factory pretty quickly because it wasn't very far, honestly. The factory was shut down mainly for the reason that there was a chemical leakage 3 years prior. There were many of the products being sold every 5 minutes, causing the workers to lose sleep, and eventually lose attention. It caused a dangerous chemical to makes its way into the products, which soon stopped being manufactured due to the deaths caused by it.

Everyone stayed outside and kept watch, while Taehyung stepped inside cautiously, waiting for Jungkook to pop out and hug him tightly. To his dismay, that is not what happened. Instead, he saw Jungkook tied to a chair and hesitated a bit before hiding behind a machine when he heard footsteps nearing the boy. The footsteps stopped, but soon the soft sound of sniffles were heard, making Taehyung turn his head and wonder what was going on. He saw Jiwoo kneeling down and caressing Jungkook's face, a sorrowful expression on his own.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook." Jiwoo tried to stay strong, but he really couldn't. The reality started to seep in, and he realized that making an innocent person suffer for his own past was beyond fucked up. He placed a small peck on Jungkook's forehead before standing up and grabbing his gun. "They'll be here for you, and I'll let you leave." He knows himself that he's caused way too much trouble for them all, and decided to leave it be. He knows he'll go to jail, he knows he's committed many sins on this path, but it's too late to fix his mistakes. Years of anger turned to a giant ball of plans. Plans of revenge. Jiwoo knew that this was a bloody and dark path, but it's as if... as if he wanted to take it. Yes, the revenge part, but the jail part? Was that really part of his plan, or is there something more?

Taehyung just kept watching the scene in awe as he placed his hand on the machine, only to accidentally push the button instead. Jiwoo looked in the direction of the sudden sound and froze. He didn't do anything, didn't say anything. He just froze. The amount of embarrassment was too much for Jiwoo. "I DIDN'T THINK YOU'D BE HERE THIS EARLY! HERE! TAKE HIM! I'M NOT IN THE MOOD FOR THIS ANYMORE!" Taehyung just watched him blabber with a blank stare. Almost amused.

Jiwoo kept blabbering until one thing caught Taehyung's attention. "He needs immediate attention... I'm sorry." He soon ran away, empty-handed, ready to leave this place. Until, he stepped outside and there he saw. He saw the one person he didn't want to see in years.

"J-Jackson-" The cop just chuckled. Jiwoo felt tears well up in his eyes. He rushed straight into Jacksons' arms, and started sobbing. There's really no story to this-- Jackson and Jiwoo were best friends but after Taehyungs' parents died, Jiwoo suddenly disappeared. They both realized their love for each other after they got separated.

"Am I going to jail now..." Jiwoo looked at his feet in shame. "No. You're coming home with me, and we're going to cuddle all night and catch up on things." Jackson said with a sweet smile. Jiwoo knew he was reunited with the only one who loved him, and the only one he loved. He felt complete.


And as for our couple-- oh, no the story's not over. There's still some things I'd need to patch up, but as far as you should be concerned, there isn't going to be many parts.

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