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Everyone else downstairs are just confused, but still continue to make dinner. Eventually, Yeonjun and Soobin walk downstairs, chatting happily. Namjoon and Jin look at each other in confusion as if the other has the answer to what the hell is happening. Jimin snickers, still finding something to watch on the t.v. "Don't worry about it, they look like they've figured it out."

Namjoon smiles a bit, showing his dimples on display as Jin feels a heart attack from the cuteness. He grabs a hold of the counter as if he's about to faint. Namjoon looks at Jin in worry. "What happened??" Jin, still dramatically clutching his chest, looks Namjoon in the eyes and says, "Your cuteness is killing me!" Namjoon's jaw drops. "W-what-" "Obviously, I'm cuter though. Jin interrupts, going back to making food.

Namjoon still just stands there until Jin throws a pot at him. Namjoon swiftly catches it and Jin yells, "GO BACK TO MAKING FOOD!" Jimin, feeling entertained, starts laughing so hard, he rolls off the couch. Yeonjun and Soobin are now sitting on the couch, completely ignoring the kitchen drama.

Jimin goes back to choosing a horror movie as he hears a door open and close. "Huh? Did no one hear that? Binnie did yo- nevermind, I'll just go check." Jimin says as he stands up and walks over to the direction where he heard the noise. Opening the door, he sees nothing. "Hm, I thought I heard something." He says as he turns around, about to walk back to the couch, but gets pulled back into the room.

"AH! HELP-" Jimin tries yelling but he feels someone cover his mouth with their hand. "What are you doing here? Who are you?" The voice yells out, demanding answers as they uncover Jimin's mouth. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?!" Jimin pushes himself away out of the strong grasp. He sees a handsome man who looks just like a cat. "I'm Jeon Jimin. Who are you?" Jimin adds as he moves away from the man. The man moves closer and closer with every step back Jimin takes. Now, Jimin was pushed against the door as he feels the man close enough to kiss him.

"Yoongi. Min Yoongi." The man smirks as he sees a timid Jimin in front of him. "C-can I go now?" Jimin breaths as he flinches, feeling the man move his hand close to him. But he doesn't feel the hand anywhere on him. Looking down, he sees the hand on the doorknob as the man grabs Jimin and pulls him to the side. "Let's go join everyone, c'mon." Jimin furrows his eyebrows, uncertain as to what the man means by that.

Yoongi steps out, with Jimin in his grasp. Soobin sees him and starts laughing. "Ah, Yoongi hyung, I see you've frightened another guest!"

"If I didn't have cameras around the place, I wouldn't have even known there were guests around! Soobin-ah!" Yoongi whines out as he pouts a bit. Jimin scrunches his face as he pouts. This man looked like he was about to get frisky with me seconds ago and now he's acting like a baby!

"Come, let's all find a movie to watch. Jin and Namjoon hyung are almost done with dinner. We still have to get Tae and Kookie." Soobin remarks as he gets comfortable in Yeonjun's arms. Just then, Hobi and Minji walk in. "Hey, you guys forgot us!" Hobi whines. Minji giggles seeing Hobi whine.

Everyone gets settled and Minji says she'll go bring Taehyung and Jungkook. She opens the door to Taehyung's room and sees the two talking with other like there's nothing else in the world. Smiling, she calls out for the two. "Come, dinner's ready and we have a movie ready too!"

"Okie! C'mon, TaeTae!" Jungkook says as he hops off the bed and helps Taehyung out of the room and down the stairs.



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