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Jiwoo sits down with a long sigh, stretching his arms and legs, feeling like the worst person on the face of the earth. And he loved it. The best thing that could ever happen in his life is taking place. His revenge against Taehyung. For killing his parents. Hell, they were evil little bitches, but does that bother him? No. He had no one after that.

Looking at Jungkook's pale face, he starts to feel pity for him. An innocent boy is getting harmed just for his revenge. But what can he do? What's done is done. Call him collateral damage. But even then, after killing off everyone, he won't have anything to live for. No family, no friends, no enemy.

Eventually, Jungkook opens his eyes, squinting to adjust to the dim-light room. He doesn't really love his contacts, so he never wears them and his glasses fell off somewhere when he was kidnapped. Opening his mouth to speak, he tries to speak to the man, hoping that he'll be nice to him. "Hyung?"

Jiwoo looks at Jungkook with a shocked face. Wow... he really just called me hyung even after I did all of this to him. "My head hurts... I'm sorry for whatever I did...." Jungkook begs, diamond tears slipping out of his eyes. Jiwoo looks at the gun in his hand, questioning how he even got here. Why he's doing this. Looking back up at Jungkook, he gives him an expressionless look. Remembering how far he's come, he smirks widely, scaring the living happiness out of Jungkook. "The pain will go away soon... It all will...." Jiwoo whispers the last part. Standing up, he exits the abandoned factory, having enough of this conversation.

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