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The two arrive at the mansion and Taehyung grabs Jungkook by the arm again and drags him inside.

"I won't do it again, V! Please! I'm sorry!" The crying Jungkook begs.

Taehyung looks at Jungkook and his heart clenches. Why am I feeling like this... He's just a stupid kid!

Taehyung continues to drag Jungkook up the long stairs. As soon as Jungkook tries getting out of Taehyung's grip, he gets slapped across the face. Looking up with his doe eyes, Jungkook meets Taehyung's cold, icy eyes.

Taehyung pins Jungkook to the wall and stares at him as if Jungkook was lower than him. Lower than lower than him. It made Jungkook want to run away from this hyu- scary man and go back into the loving arms of his brothers.

Just then, Soobin comes out of his room and sees the sight. "OHMYGOD! WHAT THE FRACK ARE YOU DOING HYUNG!" Soobin runs towards the two and pushes Taehyung away. Hugging the pale Jungkook, he glares at Taehyung.

"Why would you do this to him, even after knowing that he doesn't understand what the real world is like?! Hyung, he trusted you like a child to his parents! Don't come near Jungkook again!" Soobin takes Jungkook with him and slams his door shut.

Jungkook can't breathe because he was crying too much and it started to scare him.

"Hyung- am I- g- going to d- die?" With his eyes closing, Jungkook manages to spit out some words.

"I'm getting sleepy h- hyung..." Jungkook faints in the shocked Soobin's arms.

"What should I do?! Please god, help him!" Soobin says as he dashes out of his room with Jungkook in his arms.

Running to the living room, Soobin spots a figure walking out of the kitchen. Thinking it's Namjoon, Soobin shouts out for them.


The person turns around and Soobin sees an unrecognizable face.

"Who are you? I think you're the new guy, help me!" Soobin runs up to the man.

"U- uh of course, sir." The man carries Jungkook outside of the mansion with Soobin following.

The man starts driving with Soobin and Jungkook in the back. With Jungkook's head on Soobin's lap, Soobin starts caressing his hairs with love.

"Hey, what's your name?" Soobin suddenly asks, his head shooting up to meet the man's gaze on him.

"Um, it's Lee Jiwoo, sir."

"It's fine if I call you Jiwoo, right?" Soobin asks politely while smiling.

"Yes, of course, sir!" Jiwoo smiles back a little.

"And stop calling me sir, I sound like a big-shot." Soobin says as he goes back to caressing Jungkook's hairs.

I HAVE PLANNED THIS WHOLE STORYLINE OUT!! It all started in the car ride... I was listening to music and thinking about how I should make the next part and BAM! I have the whole story all etched in my mind.

 I was listening to music and thinking about how I should make the next part and BAM! I have the whole story all etched in my mind

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