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Why's hyungie taking so long... maybe it's a really important thingy? Jungkook wonders as he stares at the stairs, wondering if he should walk up to his hyung's room.


It's been a whole thirty minutes and now Jungkook is really worried. To other people, thirty minutes isn't a long time, but Jungkook feels that something isn't right. Walking up to Taehyung's room, sweat beads form at his forehead. What if his hyung is perfectly fine and he's just overreacting? What if he steps in and his hyung gets mad that he's interrupting, and yells at him? Pushing his thoughts away to the side, he decides to open the door.

Jungkook looks around for a moment, but doesn't see anything. He walks over to the bathroom and knocks before looking inside, but still doesn't find his Taehyungie. Getting even more anxious, Jungkook walks to the other side of the room and looks out the clear glass doors of the balcony, but still no Taehyung. Giving up, Jungkook turns around to leave the room but when he sees the body that's laying on the floor hidden beside the bed, his breath hitches.

"T-Taehyungie!" Jungkook rushes over to Taehyung, shaking him a bit, not knowing what to do. His childish side now showing more as he starts crying. "HYUNGS! SOMEONE!" Jungkook sobs, hoping they heard him in the huge mansion. A couple seconds later, everyone is running towards Taehyung's room and the sight shocks them. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE!" Jimin yells out in dismay, kneeling down near Taehyung.

"I don't know, hyung! But we have to help him!" Jungkook, still sobbing, cries out as he hugs Taehyung tightly.


A soft groan can be heard from the room as Taehyung slowly opens his eyes, adjusting to the light. As he looks around, he sees himself laying down on a white hospital bed. Before Taehyung could even question his whereabouts, the sound of a door opening can be heard as lady holding a tray walks in. Seeing that Taehyung woke up, she smiles and places the tray down before walking out of the room again. Taehyung is left sitting there, recalling what happened earlier. "Oh."

A while later, Jungkook charges into the room, hugging Taehyung as if his life depended on it. "Are you okay? What happened?" Jungkook asks as he pulls away from the hug and holds his hand tightly. Taehyung chuckles, holding Jungkook's face in his hands, caressing his cheeks. Jungkook, feeling a weird sensation in his stomach, smiles cheekily.

"I'm fine, Kookie." Taehyung leans forward, kissing Jungkook's forehead. "But where's everyone else?" Jungkook explains that everyone is at home, and Jungkook stayed at the hospital, waiting for him to wake up.


The echoing sounds of heels clacking against the floor can be heard in the bright, cheery hallway. The sounds of heels clacking stops as the door swings open to a doctor entering the room with a weird smile on his face.

"Hello, V. Or should I say, Kim Taehyung." The man's smile still evident. Taehyung furrows his eyebrows, concerned as to how the man knows his name. If he's out and needs to tell someone his name, he usually goes by V. "How do you know my name?" The doctor chuckles darkly as he takes off his eyeglasses, sitting down on one of the chairs placed beside the bed.

"I'm glad you're back after all these years... How long has it been? 10, 11 years? Ah, right. You won't remember." Taehyung, not knowing what to do, just keeps listening to the man. "Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything to you. But, you want to know why you always faint, right? Well, I have the answer." The doctor proceeds in explaining, handing Taehyung some photos. Photos of Taehyung and Jungkook sitting together. Except, they were younger. Jungkook peeks over to look at the photos and his eyes widen when he sees the photo. "That's my hyung that left Korea a long time ago!"

The doctor starts laughing loudly, making Taehyung question whether they should stay there any longer. "Ah, I'm sorry, this is all just so amusing. I'm willing to explain, if you're willing to listen." The doctor resumes. Taehyung and Jungkook both attentively listen to the doctor.

"The first thing I want to clear up is that photo. I have it because me and your father are close friends, Jungkook. And I thought the picture was so cute so your father gave it to me." Taehyung looks at the doctor weirdly. "What? You both are adorable together. Oh, and my name is Park Hyung-Sik. Second thing is the fainting and the pills. I'm actually pissed that Jeonie didn't bring you back here after Taehyungs' parents passed away. But anyways, you faint because on the night your parents died, Jeonie wanted to cut off all relations between the Kims' and Jeons', so he sent you here to erase yours' and your brothers' memories. It worked perfectly fine with your brothers, but not so well with you, Taehyung. So, you needed the pills. But not anymore, cuz I have an antidote. Oh, and I forgot, Jungkook. Your father... left Korea. He'll be gone for god knows long, honestly. The last time he left was for an issue in Italy and that was way before you guys were born. Lastly, Taehyung. We can give you back your memories. To you and your brothers. All you need is to remember a... sensitive memory." Hyung-Sik explains, now getting serious again.

"Hm, that's fine. I think I found out who killed my parents. But it's not confirmed." Taehyung says. Hyung-Sik, amazed at the news, leans forward in interest and asks, "Who?"

Taehyung sighs. "Lee Jiwoo. He was the son of my parents' enemies. My parents killed the Lee's and I think that's the reason why he killed my parents. Out of the pure hatred he has for me. He was also seen on the same street on the same day my parents died. He was around the same age I was at the time. But I think there's someone else in the picture. He couldn't have done all this alone."

"Hm, this is good information. We should also focus on getting your memories back, too. I can tell that you've already "unlocked" some memories, though. Anyways, we should get you home now. Lot's of work to do, right? Focus on finding out who the second person is, and then proceed with whatever you're planning."

"Okay." Taehyung nods as he grabs ahold of Jungkook's hand and exits the hospital.

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