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The car arrives at the huge mansion as the bunny boy stares in awe.

"Wow, hyung you have a huge house! It's bigger than mine!" Jungkook yells out.

"Oh, I forgot to ask for your names!" Jungkook smiles.

"Minji. Call me Min."



"Can I call you Hobi?" Jungkook questions.

"Uh- sure." Hoseok awkwardly replies.


"..." Jungkook stares at the man in front of him, staying silent.

"What?" Taehyung coldly says.

"What's your name, hyung?"

Taehyung sighs and rolls his eyes. "Taehyung."

"I like that name! I'll call you Tae!" Jungkook says while grabbing Taehyung's hand.

Taehyung retracts his hand and yells out, "DON'T CALL ME THAT!"

Jungkook's eyes start getting glossy. "I'm s-sorry hyung."

"Don't call me Tae, Taehyung, anything. Just call me V." Taehyung says as he walks away.

"Okay..." Jungkook says, still keeping his head down.

Minji feels bad, so she comes forward. "Hey, don't mind him, he's always like that."

"Okay, noona." Jungkook sniffs as he hugs Min.

I really pray that he doesn't do anything to you, Kook...

Hoseok leads Jungkook to the huge living room.

"Wow... it's so huge!"

"That's what she said!" A boy yells while stepping out of a room.

"Huh? Who said what?" Kookie asks innocently, tilting his head to the side.

"You don't get the joke? Wha- who is this anyway, Joon?" The boy asks as he looks at Namjoon.

Namjoon drags the boy to a different room and explains everything.

"Wait, so he's an innocent little child?! But he's 21!"

"I know, Soobin. I don't know why Taehyung brought him here..." Namjoon sighs, rubbing his forehead in frustration.

"Wait, Hyung might... hurt him!" Soobin yells out.

"I know..."

"I won't let him, though! That boy is staying by my side! Hyung wouldn't hurt him if I'm by his side!" Soobin confidently remarks.

"Okay, as long as it keeps Jungkook safe."

Soobin walks back to the living room and sees no one there. Panicking, he looks in every room.

"JUNGKOOK?! JUNGKOOK! JUNG-" Soobin halts as he sees Jungkook eating ice-cream in the kitchen.

"Haha, you look so cute!" Soobin gushes, cleaning the ice-cream on Jungkook's nose.

"Hehe, sorry... what's your name?" Jungkook asks with doe eyes.

"Soobin. You can call me hyung." Soobin giggles as he still cleans the ice-cream on Jungkook's face.

-With Taehyung-

Finishing his workout, Taehyung grabs a towel to wipe the sweat dripping down his forehead. As Taehyung walks downstairs, he hears giggles. Shaking it off, thinking it was the stupid boy he met earlier, he walks towards the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. But the scene in front of him makes his blood boil. And he doesn't know why.

Soobin and Jungkook are giggling, why is HE mad?

"What are you two doing? Soobin, I thought you were studying for your exams?" Taehyung says in a deep voice.

"A-ah, I saw the guest and couldn't just keep studying!" Soobin smiles.

"Hm... I'm here now, so go back to studying."

"But hyung-" Soobin tries convincing him, but it's of no use.

"What did I say, Soobin?" Taehyung says, giving Soobin a glare. Gulping, Soobin runs towards his room.

(Lol, always by his side my ass.)

"C'mon, little thing. What do you wanna do?" Taehyung asks, plastering a fake smile.

"Can we go to the park?" Jungkook asks, jumping.


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