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-The next day-

Jungkook flutters his eyes open, feeling a bright light shining on his face. The boy fixes his disheveled hair and attempts to get off the bed but feels a tug at his waist, pulling him back on the bed. Soon, a groan is heard as the entrapped boy looks down and smiles seeing the wholesome sight. "TaeTae." Jungkook pats Taehyung's back hoping to get out of the strong grasp. "Hm." The older replies as he snuggles closer to the boy. "Wake up, TaeTae."

Taehyung looks up at the younger and smiles tiredly, his eyes still half-closed. "Good morning." The younger smiles wider as he moves closer to Taehyung's face, kissing his forehead. "Good morning." Taehyung's eyes widen as Jungkook notices and panics. "S-sorry! Jiminie hyung always kisses me good morning so I thought-" The panicking boy gets cut off by Taehyung kissing his forehead. "I want a good morning kiss everyday." Jungkook looks directly in Taehyung's eyes, feeling a weird sensation.


Yoongi wakes up, an exasperated groan leaving his chapped lips. Feeling annoyed of the giggles he keeps hearing in the kitchen. He tries to get up, but feels a weight on his chest. The sleepy man looks down and widens his eyes seeing a small boy laying on his chest as if he was a body pillow. And the boy is none other than Jimin. Yoongi carefully moves Jimin off of him and places the blanket onto him.


Namjoon gasps as he feels water being splashed onto his back. Placing down the cup he was drinking from, he turns around and sees Jin across the counter with a mischievous smile on his face, a water gun in hand. The now soaked man slowly walks towards Jin as with a smirk. Now nervous, Jin tries running away, the water gun thrown somewhere. Namjoon quickly runs over and grabs Jin's arm and pulls him close, now trapping him in his arms. "Where do you think you're going." Namjoon says, his smirk not leaving his lips. Jin gulps as he looks behind him to see the man, gasping when he feels water being poured on his head.

Namjoon starts laughing his ass off, when he feels another splash on his chest. This time it wasn't the other drenched male. He looks up and sees Soobin and Yeonjun shooting at the two. "Game on." Namjoon and Jin say in unison as they grab water guns that were laying on the counter.


Jungkook walks downstairs after getting freshened up and feels water being shot at his face, the pressure making him stumble back. He feels two strong arms grab him before he falls, so he looks back and sees Taehyung glaring at the one who shot the unaware and unarmed boy. Jungkook looks down and sees Soobin apologetically looking at him, and repeatedly saying sorry. He giggles seeing the sight. "I wanna play, too!" Jungkook pouts, water still dripping down his face. Taehyung sighs. "Okay, well, if he's playing, I guess I will too."

"HEY! WAIT FOR MEEEEE- ACK! WAIT!" Everyone turns to the direction the voice is heard from and see Jimin holding two water guns, stumbling around. "Hey, you can't have two water guns!" Yeonjun whines out as Jimin groans in annoyance. "One for me, and one for Yoon." Yoongi looks at Jimin in surprise. "I think the name's cute and that's what I'm calling you." Jimin says while handing Yoongi his water gun.


The sound of a door can be heard from upstairs as a man exits a room, trying to hold himself from shooting everyone in the mansion as the giggles annoy him so much. "Ugh, just for a little while, and then they'll be dead." The man mutters as he looks around, checking to see if anyone spotted him exiting the room. He slowly walks to another room but halts as he hears a voice behind him. "What are you doing?" The man slowly turns around, coming up with an excuse. "I'm new here, I don't really know where the bathrooms are." The other man, still not believing the excuse, walks over to the "new recruit."

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