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Every member of Deadshot gets prepared for their mission and leave the mansion as Jungkook mumbles. "They didn't even eat yet.." Jimin looks at his hand, a pink blush appearing on his bread cheeks. Yeonjun notices this and gasps, starting to jump around in joy. Soobin looks at Yeonjun who looks back, as the two lock eye-contact as if they're communicating. Soobin soon understands why Yeonjun was dancing around like a monkey and joins in on the party.

"Lunchtime!" Jin yells out from the dining table as everyone runs to their seats. Everyone being Soobin, Yeonjun, Jimin, Jin, and Jungkook. Jin looks at Jungkook who has an evident pout on his face. "What's wrong?" He asks, frowning. "They didn't eat yet... especially Taehyungie." Jungkook mumbles the last part, hoping no one would hear. But to his surprise, everyone starts to snicker. "Hehe, I knew it. You love him!" Jimin beams. Jungkook looks at Jimin and frowns. "Of course I love him! He's like a brother to me!" Everyone's smiles soon turn upside-down. Soobin decides to leave the topic alone and get everyone to eat. "C'mon, the food's about to get cold!"


After lunch, the boys all settle down on the couches, deciding to just have fun until the others arrive. "We should probably get going after they come back." Yeonjun looks at Jimin who agrees. The afternoon passes by with them just talking about random things. The doorbell soon rings and Soobin walks over to the main door, opening it, only to be met with everyone sweating and bleeding. He runs back into the kitchen and grabs a first-aid kit. The cheery boys sitting in the living room now realize that something's wrong. Except for Jungkook, of course. Nonetheless, they all walk over to the door and see the shocking sight. Jungkook furrows his eyebrows. "You guys had a paintball fight? I wanna come to a mission too!" Jimin just tears up seeing Yoongi all bruised.

After Jimin explains that it's not paint, and that they were hurt, Soobin makes them all sit down in the living room, as per daily routine. Obviously, Jungkook doesn't understand what blood is yet. Jin helps Namjoon, Yeonjun helps Minji and Hobi, Jimin helps Yoongi, and Soobin tries to help Taehyung but gets stopped by Jungkook. "Can I help?" Soobin hesitates for a moment knowing that Taehyung will be angry that the mission failed but gives Jungkook the medicine anyways knowing that Taehyung has a soft spot for him.

Jungkook leans forward to start applying the medicine, trying to remember how to do it like his Sarang noona had taught him. But he stops hearing Taehyung shout in frustration. "THEY HUSTLED US! NOW THEY HAVE THE DRUGS!" Jungkook swiftly covers Taehyung's mouth. "Jiminie hyung told me that's a bad word." Jungkook smiles hoping for one in return but that's not what he gets in return. At all. "SHUT UP! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO FUCKING CHILDISH! HOW DID I EVEN FALL IN LOVE WITH A FUCKING 5-YEAR OLD?!" Taehyung finally lifts his head up from his hands and sees Jungkook's head lowered. "Oh.." Taehyung feels a huge wave of guilt, his heart feeling like it's being squeezed. "W-wait Kook-" Taehyung gets cut off by Jungkook looking up, his slight smile and teary, crystal doe eyes showing. "I'm sorry." Is the last words Jungkook says before he stands up from the floor, placing the cotton back onto the box. He walks out of the mansion, closing the main door behind him.

Taehyung slowly looks to his side and sees everyone with disappointed looks on their faces. "I think it's best if we leave now." Jin says as he stands up, with Jimin and Yeonjun following. Yeonjun gives Soobin an apologetic look before leaving the house. 'We'll be back.' Yeonjun mouths.


Jin, Jimin, Yeonjun and Jungkook are now sitting in Jungkook's room, trying to make Jungkook feel better. "I didn't even understand everything that he said... I'm just sad because he yelled..." Jungkook sighs. "I wanna go back there." Jin shakes his head in disapproval. "No way." Jungkook starts tearing up again. "I know hyung wasn't mad at me, he was mad because he lost the paintball fight!" Jungkook yells, still not understanding what really happened. Jimin proudly looks at Jungkook, feeling happy that he isn't like a stupid Y/N in a fanfiction. Yeonjun smiles and feels relieved that he understands at least a bit of what really happened. "Okay, we'll go back tomorrow. I'll tell Soobin, okay?" Jungkook smiles, wiping his tears. "Yes!"


The next day soon arrives as Soobin paces around his room, eagerly waiting for their arrival. The doorbell rings and he runs downstairs as fast as he can. He opens the door and whisper-yells. "Okay, come in! Hyung hasn't left his room since yesterday, so maybe this'll work!" Jungkook smiles, hugging his bunny plushie along with another thing. He walks upstairs and enters Taehyung's room but doesn't see Taehyung. He looks everywhere and frowns until he hears a sound of water rushing in the bathroom. "Oh, he's taking a bath." He patiently waits for Taehyung to finish taking a bath and soon enough, Taehyung steps out of the bathroom. Jungkook pounces on Taehyung, hugging him tightly. Taehyung realizes what's happening and a tear rolls down his cheek. "I'm so, so, so, sorry, I didn't mean tha-" Jungkook cuts him off. "You were upset about the paintball fight, it's fine!" Taehyung frowns hearing that. Does he not know that that was blood?

Jungkook pulls away from the hug and hands Taehyung the other thing he was holding. Taehyung hugs Jungkook again and kisses him all over his face, loving the adorable gift. Well, the gift was just a tiger plushie, but knowing that the one he loves, Jungkook, gave it to him, makes it the best gift he ever received. Jungkook giggles feeling all the ticklish pecks on his face. "Haha, stop hyung! It tickles!"

Alright, I'm not gonna lie, I just wanted to add some drama in this story-

Alright, I'm not gonna lie, I just wanted to add some drama in this story-

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