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^^^ That's the cop in charge of the operation in catching Tae. I've made my mind. (Also, I just wanted to put the cop pic here. No cops are relevant to this story.)


Taehyung arrives at the hospital and parks his car as quickly as he can. Frantically running to the lady at the desk, he slams his hands on the table.

"Where- is- Jeon Jung- kook?" Taehyung says, out of breath.

"U-um let me check." The receptionist responds with a questioning look. Typing away into the computer, she finds the information Taehyung has been looking for.

"Sir, Jeon Jungkook is in room 24. Down the hall, take a right." She states with a polite smile.

"Thank you." Taehyung replies, not returning the smile and walking off.

The receptionist gets back to her work, thinking about the strange man she just met. "Hm, I feel like I've seen him somewhere..."

Just then, she remembers the news she saw this morning. "OH MY GOD! HE'S A-" The receptionist looks around, feeling stares. Chuckling nervously, she mutters a soft, "Sorry."

"He's the leader of Deadshot! V! I have to call the cops!" The receptionist immediately calls 911.

-Room 24-

Taehyung walks in the room and sees Jungkook sitting on the bed while talking to Soobin.

"What happened?" Taehyung asks Soobin, intrigued to find out what happened to Jungkook.

Taking a deep sigh, Soobin yells out, "He's here because he had a panic attack! You scared him so much, hyung! Why do you keep doing this?! You torture everyone you meet!"

Taehyung does nothing but just stare at Jungkook who's head was down.

"I'm... sorry Jungkook." Taehyung says under his breath. It's a big surprise to even hear a mafia who's killed more people than you can imagine to apologize. And to some boy who doesn't know anything.

"It was my fault, V... I'm sorry." Jungkook mentions, tears dropping down as he clutches onto the bedsheets.

Taehyung steps forward and hugs Jungkook lightly. Feeling the warm sensation, Jungkook hugs back, not wanting to let go as this might be the only time Taehyung hugs him like this. Taehyung feels butterflies in his stomach when Jungkook hugs him back.

Why do I feel like this? Taehyung wonders.

-'Disturbia' starts playing from afar-

Pulling away from the hug, Jungkook lightly smiles. "What do you like doing, V? We're friends, right?"

"Um, I don't really do stuff... I just workout everyday if you don't count basic essentials of life and work." Taehyung awkwardly scratches his neck.

"And, we ARE friends, Kookie." Taehyung adds, flashing his boxy smile.

Jungkook smiles back, even wider.

"Hey, can yo-" Jungkook gets cut off when he hears people running in the hallways.




"Shit... That bitch must've told the cops." Taehyung sighs, annoyed.

"V, what's a mafia?" Jungkook asks questioningly.

"I'll explain later... And Jungkook?" Taehyung looks straight into Jungkook's eyes.

"Yeah, V?"

"Call me anything you want." Taehyung lightly smiles.

"Okie, TaeTae!"

"Now, let's get out of here!" Taehyung says, grabbing Jungkook's hand and standing up.

"What am I? A cockroach?" Soobin asks, raising his eyebrow and standing up.

I already started making notes for another story- 👁👄👁👍

I already started making notes for another story- 👁👄👁👍

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