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-The next day: With Jungkook-

Jungkook opens his phone with no energy at all whatsoever. He decides to play video games as it is the only thing that keeps him the least bit happy. Ever since the day him and Taehyung were separated, he couldn't enjoy things the way he did before. He himself doesn't know why he feels so blank without Taehyung.

Jin walks into the room and sees Jungkook just sitting and playing on his phone. Jin, Yeonjun, and Jimin tried everything to cheer Jungkook up and bring him back to the peppy little bunny he was before. But everything they tried turned out in vain. They can't do anything but be tired of his actions that he keeps repeating every single day.

Jin gently knocks on Jungkook's door, grabbing the bunny's attention. Jin gets a good look at Jungkook's face that is pale and has dark eye circles. He walks over to Jungkook and sits down next to him on the pink, plushy bed.

"Jungkook-ah, we're going to the park. Come with us." Jin hopefully asks with a petite smile.

Jungkook looks at Jin with tired eyes. "Hyung, I don't really wanna go out..."

"Please, baby. You'll feel so much better if you come to the park."

"Okay, hyung."

-With Taehyung 20 minutes ago-

Hoseok walks up to the dark grey colored door. Knocking briefly, he hears a faint, "Come in." Walking in, Hoseok sees something that shocks him. Taehyung is still laying in his bed.

"V! We have to go right now! Remember?! Minho went to the club, and this is our only chance to kill him!"

Taehyung's eyes widen. "OH SHIT! WAIT, GIMME 5 MINUTES!"

-5 minutes later (Cuz I'm too lazy)-

Sprinting down the stairs, Taehyung stuffs his gun in his pocket. "Let's go!"

Deadshot (The name of his mafia group) arrives at the location as they hide in different areas.

"He's entered the club." Yoongi announces as he watches the live camera footage near the club.

"Okay, we'll wait until he comes out so we can get him. Minji, I'm gonna need you to distract his guard."

"Got it, V." Minji says, as she walks into the club confidently.

-Back with Jungkook: Present-

Jungkook is sitting on the park bench and watching how everyone is happy. Happier than him. Why am I so sad? Jungkook wonders as he furrows his eyebrows in frustration. Then, realization hits him. Why didn't I go back to hyung's house? I should go!

Jungkook walks over to his hyungs who were talking while playing on the swings.

"Ah, I knew you would wanna play with us, come on!" Yeonjun happily yells.

"No, hyung. I wanna go meet Tae!" Jungkook responds, hoping that they would say yes.

Seeing how determined he looks, Yeonjun sighs. "Okay, let's go. Plus, I wanna see this 'Tae' for myself."

Squealing in happiness, Jungkook scurries to the car.

-Taehyung's mansion-

Jungkook steps out of the car and stares at the mansion in with content. Dashing to the door, Jungkook repeatedly rings on the doorbell.

The door opens revealing Soobin and seeing it is Jungkook, he hugs him tightly. "Ah, you're back!" Soobin pouts. Jungkook giggles and returns the hug. "Where's Hyung?" Jungkook looks around the house.

"Oh, he went on a mission." Soobin replies.

"What mission?" Jimin curiously asks.

"Oh, he's a mafia. But don't worry, he won't hurt you guys!" Soobin nonchalantly says.

"A WHAT?! B- BU- BUT-" Jin gets cut off by Yeonjun.

"You heard him. He won't hurt us! I still wanna see him!" Yeonjun whines.

"F- fine." Jin retorts, scared if Soobin might stab him with a knife if he leaves.

"Come, sit down. We can wait for them. They'll be back soon." Soobin smiles cutely.

Seeing the smile, Yeonjun's heart starts pounding out of his chest. "Yeah, we'll stay!" Yeonjun blurts out.

The ship is getting ready to sail! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

The ship is getting ready to sail! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

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