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-Flashback: January 10, 2002-

"TAETAE! LOOK I MADE A CROWN!" A boy yells to his friend who's currently playing with chalk. "Really?! Lemme see!" The friend of his replies. He walks over to him and sits down on the grass with him.

"It's so pretty, Kookie! Here, lemme put it on you." Tae places the crown on his friend's head and flashes a bright smile. "Let's go play in the sand, c'mon!" Kookie grabs Tae's hand and runs over to the sandbox.

Four people are smiling brightly seeing the cute sight. "These two look so cute together, don't they, Jeonie." Mrs. Jeon says. Mr. Jeon agrees with his smiling wife beside him. "Yeah, they look like the cutest pair of best FRIENDS." Mrs. Kim strains a smile, keeping her composure.

Mrs. Jeon's smile slightly fades away but she hides it. "Y-yeah... Hey, you should stay over at our house today!" Mr. Kim responds. "Ah, we have an important meeting tomorrow."

"Oh, then you could leave the kids over at ours! We already have some spare clothes for them, don't worry. They could stay over for how long they want." Mr. Jeon compromises.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim agree as they can't say no to the kind gesture.

-Timeskip: March 15, 2010-

Mr. and Mrs. Kim are now arguing. "We have to give them the kids tomorrow! How the hell are we going to do that if that boyfriend of Taehyungs' is always around?! Huh?!" Mrs. Jeon yells. "Listen, we'll just say that we're going on a trip, pack some bags to make it believable, and go to the place they said to go to." Mr. Jeon explains. "Now, let's get some rest." The two walk to their bedroom.

A person who heard the whole conversation and calls Mr. Jeon. "Mr. Jeon, you were right. They were planning on doing something to their kids. What do we do?"

"Listen to my instructions carefully. Get everyone out of the house. Leave the Kims in there. I'll handle the rest." Mr. Jeon says and cuts the call. "C'mon, uncle! We're gonna watch a movie." Taehyung says. "I'll be right there!" Mr. Jeon texts someone.

Mr. Jeon: Do it.

??: You sure?

Mr. Jeon: Yes

??: Okay

The person finishes pouring gasoline and smirks, picking up their lighter. "Goodbye, Kims." Throwing the lighter, the person gets on their bike and leaves.

Just then, Jackson enters the scene and gasps audibly. He calls the police and sobs. "What happened?!"


[The news has already reached all of South Korea and everyone is shocked. Taehyung, Namjoon and Soobin are especially shocked.]

Mr. Jeon tells the boys that they need to go somewhere and they agree. "But can Kookie please come with us?" Taehyung pleads. "I'm sorry Taehyung, but Kookie isn't allowed to go outside the house. It's too dangerous for him." Mr. Jeon says. Looking back at Jungkook, Taehyung waves one last time. "Bye, TaeTae!" Jungkook replies, totally unaware of the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Kim are both dead.


The four arrive at a weird looking hospital and walk in. "What are we doing here?" Namjoon asks. "Just go sit down, we'll explain later." Mr. Jeon says. The boys go in the room and sit down. Just then, a man wearing a hospital coat and a mask approaches Mr. Jeon. "Hello, Mr. Jeon. We can start the process. It won't be painful, I assure you. What memories do you want erased?"

"Everything related to my family. I want Soobin's memories of their parents' deaths erased. Make him think that they left them to go to America. And make Namjoon and Taehyung think that they're the ones who told him that." Mr. Jeon says, making sure to not miss a detail.

The doctor finishes writing everything Mr. Jeon says. "Ok, you can go sit down."

-After the process-

Mr. Jeon puts on a mask and brings the boys to the car. "Who are you?" Soobin asks. "I'm a friend of your parents. C'mon, I'll take you to your home."

-End of flashback-

Ok, so every time that Jackson tried to talk to Tae about the fire, Taehyung didn't want to talk about it. Taehyung's personality worsened over time, and this led to the downfall of their relationship. Oh yeah, and Mrs. Jeon already died. The reason why she did isn't relevant to the story so don't worry about itIf you have any questions, feel free to ask me😊

 If you have any questions, feel free to ask me😊

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