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"Hello, Jeon Jungkook." The man says as he circles around Jungkook, making Jungkook nervous as hell.

"Why am I here, ahjussi?" Jungkook's lip quivers, fear rushing through his veins like poison. His face turns pale seeing the man's face go from calm to angry.

"DON'T CALL ME AHJUSSI! I'M THE SAME AGE AS TAEHYUNG!" The man yells as he pulls out his gun and points it at the ceiling, shooting a couple bullets to scare Jungkook.

"I'm sorry, hyung." Jungkook replies, trying not to anger the man even more. His tears now falling down his face, making him look more vulnerable than ever.

The man sighs in annoyance as he places his gun back in his pocket. "Listen, Jungkook. My name is Lee Jiwoo. And it's pretty simple why you're here. Taehyung's parents-- your uncle and aunt, they killed my parents. So, I'm going to slowly-- but painfully kill all of the people he loves. Starting with you. Do you even know what kill means?" Jungkook shakes his head as a 'no'. The man starts chuckling, but he soon starts laughing like a psycho. "Ah, your father is an idiot for not letting you leave that mansion. You don't even understand how serious this situation is." Jungkook stays silent, not knowing how to respond to that.

"Did you know that Taehyung is a mafia? Do you know what a mafia is?" Jungkook murmurs a small 'no'. The man kneels down, his face inches away from Jungkook's, as he smirks. "A mafia is a person who kills people mercilessly. Your hyung-- Taehyung, kills people. Those people who get killed, die. He has the capability to kill your whole family. Even you. His plan was to do exactly that, actually. Your father had borrowed money from him, and has not repaid him. That's what the first meet was for. Revenge. Who knows, maybe every little nice thing he's been doing has still been part of an act." Jungkook's eyes widen as he finally understands why Taehyung had brought him to his mansion, and was rude to him when they had just met. It was just all an act.

Jungkook's tears weren't pouring out because of fear now. They were pouring out because of pain. After all, Taehyung had been buttering him up just to kill him and his family. Jiwoo notices that he's upset and feels as if he accomplished part of his "mission". He walks out of the factory and gets in his car, leaving a broken Jungkook behind.

Just to lighten the mood 😀

Just to lighten the mood 😀

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