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Im Walking around the S.H.I.E.L.D looking for my brother Howard when i run into the beautiful agent Carter "shi- i'm sorry agent Carter"

She smiles at me and says "no wories Y/n and i have already told you to just call me Peggy"

I smile softly looking at her hazel eyes "i know i know... well Peggy do you know where can i find the dick head of my brother?"

She laughs softly and hits my arm slightly "you brother is not a dick head... well some times he is"

We both laugh "but i think he is problaby in the lab" i look at her for a few more moments, to be truthful i have a crush on Miss Carter i mean can you blame , she smells always so nice and her hair is always done nicelly , and her hazel eyes are breath taking , but i know i don't have a chance with her, first i'm a women with a dick and secodly Steve Rogers , he is a nice guy but i'm so fucking jealous of him ,

He and Peggy are always looking at each other , Steve is to much of a pussy to make a move so nothing has happend , Peggy just sees me as a friend so i guess i just have to deal with it

"Earth to Y/n" Peggy says waving a hand on my face , i snap out of it and laugh softly

"I'm sorry something my head just goes to the moon" i say waving my hands around making us both laugh , then out of no where i hear a voice say

"Fucking freak" a soldier says bumping into my shoulder, i'm left speechless

"What did you just say to Agent Y/n soldier" the men turns around and looks at peggy with a smirk

"Hey swetty pie i said that she or he is a freak" he says with venom on his voice

Peggy walks right up to his face "Peggy there is no need" i say trying to get her to leave the men

She just ignores me and says "you should apologize to her"

The men just smirks and lots at his friends "oh really and what are you gonna do if i don't sweet heart"

Peggy trows a rigth hook puch rigth in his face making him fall down and break his nose "that's what i'm gonna do, come on Y/n let's go see your brother"

I don't even say anything only smirk.

I'm at my music studio playing my favorite song on the piano ,

This song always makes my heart hurt it makes me remember all the thing i have gone through , the loves i have had , all the blood and tears i have  spilled,

When i hit the last note i hear  an applause , i turn around and see the man i thought i would never have to see again "What do you want Fury"

He walks slowly towards me "can't a friend want to see you?" I scoff

"We aren't exactly friends" i get up and fix blazer

He puts his hand on his chest right on top of his heart and says "ouch i'm hurt"

"Cut the chase , what do you want with me" i say serious

"Ok ok , i need your help" i scoff and walk over to my mini bar , i open my whisky

"I told you i don't to super hero things anymore" i say pouring whisky into my cup  "want some" i say pointing at the whisky , he shakes his head no.

"Y/n i know this is not exacly who you are anymore,but your nephew needs you." i quickly turn my head to Fury.

"What happend whith Tony?" I say worried for my nephew.

"We need one more person to go to sokovia." i take a sip of my drink looking at the ground.

"There are lots of 'super heroes' better then me out there.  go grab them. like i said i'm done with this super hero thing i have lost myself to many times.'' Fury gives a sad look and then  clenches his jaw .

''your gonna regret this Y/n , why can't you just take your head out of your ass and help people'' well now im angy , i walk over to his face and say .

''i have helped people all my life that's ALL i have done with my life before hydra , i'm tired i never got the recognition , not once they said i was a hero , not once they said my name when i helped Steve in the missions not ONCE'' i say getting red with anger .

Fury sighs and walks away , i look at ground and then pick up my head and trow my cup at the wall making it break into litte pieces , i let out a scream of anger , i sit down on the chair of my piano and put my hands on my face, i them hear the door open. 

''Miss Stark are you ok?'' i look up and see my assistant , i give her a weak smile and say 

''i'm just finne Kara , thank you'' she comes over to me and grabs my hands 

''if you want to talk i'm here Y/n not only as your assistant but as you friend'' me and Kara know each other for 6 years she is basically family. 

''Thank, Kara, but i'm gonna be ok i just need to go home , and you should too, i'm sure Alice misses you.'' she smiles and i get up.

''ok ok im gonna go home , take care of yourself'' i nod my head and she lets go of my hand and leaves , i sigh and leave the studio , i get in my black  Cadillac XTS , i put on some classic music and drive home , while i'm driving i get a call from Tony , i smile and pick up. 

''hey Jr'' i say looking at the road. 

''Hey Y/n i wanted to check on you and see if you are up for dinner'' i laugh softly thinking sbout how sweet my nephew is. 

''i'm finne Junior , i would really like to but i have a lot of things to take care of rigth now'' what i just said is  a complete lie i just don't want to see Tony right now that would mean i would have to deal with all my problems. I hear Tony sigh.

''Ok, i guess we can do it another day.'' he says disappointed.

''i'm sorry Tony.'' 

''No no it's ok , well i should go now, bye.''

''Bye Jr i love you.'' he says i love you too and the ends the call .

the rest of the ride goes silent only the music is filling my car , when i open the door to my house im greeted by my Saint Bernard Sumo i get down and pet him , he licks my face happily ''hi buddy how was your day?'' i say with a baby voice  to my dog , after some cuddles i get up and take of my blazer , i go to my room and take of all of my clothes going to the bathroom to take a shower. 

After the shower i feel fresh , i put on some sports bra and some gray sweatpants , i go to the kitchen and make some food while a soft song plays in the backgroud.

''so cry me a river , i cried a river over you.'' i sing softly while Sumo watches me waiting for me to give him a piece of chicken ''you want some chicken buddy?'' i ask Sumo .

He quickly gets up and barks , i laugh and give him the piece of chicken , after im done eating ,i  go to my room and grab an old photo of me Howard and Peggy , i rub my fingers in the ring that's around my neck ''i miss you guys.'' . i sigh and put the photo down and go to sleep.

I'm awake by a knock on my door , i groan but get up Sumo follows me and barks at the door ''calm down buddy.'' i open the door and see Tony and Pepper

''Tony?'' . 

Hello my dudes , this is my new book it's gonna be a slow burn i think , i hope you guys like it  :)

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