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Hearing the song Yellow while reading the chapter will make it cuter.

''Hey Sumo CATCH'' i trow Sumo's ball into the lake and he goes running to catch it, i turn to Maria and say ''Baby why don't you have any pets?'' Maria turns to me 

''Well beacause when i was 16 i had a pet fish abd well one day he wasn't moving so i tought the mother fucker was dead but as soon as i flushed him into the ocean he started moving'' i try to hold my laugh but it's kinda hard ''Hey why are you laughing you idiot'' she says hitting me in the shoulder but with a smile on her face 

''I'm sorry i'm sorry, i did not mean to brother ate my pet fish'' that day was the day i swore to Howard if he ever touched one of my animals again i would kill him. 


I grab a worm from the ground ''I bet Marlin will love this...'' i quickly get up and run inside the house i start to run to my room but i hear my mom say 

''Y/n no runing in the house, also come here swetie'' i groan but go to the living room where my mom was 

''What mom, i have to give Marlin this worm'' i say showing her the worm, she laughs softly and puts a hand on my face 

''Oh my sweet girl, Marlin is too small to eat a worm'' i frown in confusion 

''Why?'' my mom carres my face and says 

''Because he is  a gold fish honey, gold fishes only eat very small fish food'' i frown a bit more 

''But i saw dad catch a fish with a worm'' my mom smiles 

''Well that's because the fish dad catched was a big fish and big fishes eat worms and well Marlin is a small fish'' i nod slowly looking at the alive worm in my dirty hand 

''Well and what do i do now with the worm?'' my mom takes the worm of my hand softly and plays a bit with it 

''Well now you put it back at it's home'' she says with a soft smile 

''Mom how would I now where he lives?'' she laughs softly 

''His home is where you took him froom'' ooooh my mom is so smart. i nod my hand and take the worm from my moms hand and put it back in the backyard dirt, i then run to my room excited to tell Marlin what i just found out.

I open the door fast but what i see will be something i will never forget, my brother has Marlin in his mouth and then...he SWALLOWS MARLIN ''OH NOOOOOO HOWARD'' i quickly push my brother to the ground puching him 

''No no STOP Y/N'' my brother says while i hit him trying to make justice for Marlin 

''WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO MARLIN'' i say feelind a tear leave my eye, i feel myself being lifted from my brother, i look up and see my dad 

''That's enough cowboy'' i sob and then i see my mom look at us 

''Y/n why were you hitting you'r brother'' i sob a bit and say 

''BECAUSE HE ATE MARLIN'' my mom's eyes widen 

''He did what'' my dad says from behind me 

''Oh my-- Howard why would you eat you'r sister fish?'' my mother says 

''Well...i-the fish--'' my mom sighs 

''You know what let it go, now i just hope Marlin eats you'r intestines'' my brothers eyes go wide 

''Eat what...''.

End of Flashback

''Yeah, three days later he pooped out Marlin dead body'' Maria mouth is open 

''Who wow'' she says making me laugh ''May Marlin rest in peace'' i laugh a bit and nod, i look down at my feet and see Sumo playing with his ball

''And now i have this big handsome boy'' i say leaning down to pet Sumo belly ''You really should get a dog...'' Maria laughs and says 

''No no, i can't i don't have the time for a dog'' i look up at her and smirk 

''Then get a kitten'' Maria goes to shake her head but i quickly say ''come on Maria you only live once and just imagine Sumo and his best friend who would be a cat'' 

''Y/n i can't...'' i groan and say 

''Yes you caaan Maria come on we have time let's go to the pet store'' i say getting up and draging Maria to the car with Sumo behind us.


Me and Maria walk hand in hand around the pet store looking at all the animals, i then see a snake which makes me kinda scared ''Oh is the big old scary Y/n Stark scared of some little snake?'' Maria says moocking me 

''That thing is not small, and no i'm not'' Maria smirks 

''OH really? so you woulnd't, mind if i brought that snake home'' i feel my blode run cold 

''Please don't'' Maria laughs softly and brings me into a kiss 

''This is so cute, i finally found something you are scared of'' i smile a bit and say 

''Well it's snakes and bees...'' i feel a shiver down my spine just thinking about bees ''Oh i hate bees with all my heart...and wasps, fuck wasps'' Maria laughs softly and then looks behind me which makes me do the same, we see Sumo and some kitten play through the glass door ''Oh would you look at that Sumo made a friend'' i grab Maria's hand and bring her closer to Sumo.

I ask the lady who works in the shop to open the door for us to see the kitten which she does, Maria pets the kitten while Sumo is next to her smelling the cat and giving him kisses ''This is the cuttest thinf i have ever seen'' i slowly take my phone out and take a picture of this momment...i feel like it will mean a lot to me in the future

''I wanna take him home'' i jump up excited which makes the kitten jump a little 

''Y/n! carefull you're going to scare him'' i nod and she passes the kitten to my hands ''Here take care of Willie'' i frown 

''That's the worst name for a cat'' i say grabing the kitten into my hands, Maria scoffs 

''Well he likes it'' i laugh and say 

''sure sure'' Maria then walks away. after petting Willie for a while he starts to get sleepy so i put him in the pocket of my shirt, i then see Maria come back with everything she needs for Willie, she looks at me and her eys go wide for a moment but then she smiles.

 after petting Willie for a while he starts to get sleepy so i put him in the pocket of my shirt, i then see Maria come back with everything she needs for Willie, she looks at me and her eys go wide for a moment but then she smiles

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''Come on let's go home'' she says softly.


We are now all laying together, Willie is on Maria  chest and Sumo is laying his head on my rigth shoulder while Maria head is on my neck, we are watching Nemo, i look at us and with a smile i say 

''Uhm, what a beautiful little family.'' 

Hello my dudes just wanted to say that i'm going to write a new book, it's going to be a Rosalie Hale/reader Gip book, Rosalie is from Twiglight if you didn't know, but well i watched for the first time the movies last week and now i'm in love with Rosalie.

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now