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Me and Tony land on the snowy ground so i take off my helmet and my jetpack ''Do you think Sam lied to us'' Tony says looking around, i look ahead od us and see the Quinjet Steve and Bucky left in, i point at it and say

''No i don't belive so''.


When we're in the building i hear some noise so i point at the big door so that Tony can open it, i take my gun out and aim foward ready for an attack if there's one, when Tony opens the door i see Steve who shield is up and Bucky who's poiting a gun at us, i put my finger onn the triger in case Bucky does something.

 Me and Tony walk closer to them, Tony looks at me and at my gun he then nods to me telling me it's ok to put my gun down, i'm not sure i should so i look one more time at him and he nods again so i put my gun down ''You seem a little defensive.'' Tony says walking closer to them, Steve walks to us still with his shield up while Bucky is still poiting his gun at us...more like me 

''It's been a long day.'' Steve says with his guard up 

''At ease, Soldier. I'm not currently after you.'' Tony says looking at Bucky 

''Then why are you here?'' Steve asks 

'' Could be your story's not so crazy. Maybe. Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself.'' Tony says with us now face to face with Steve 

'' Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork'' i scoff a bit and Steve lowers is shield ''It's good to see you, Tony.'' Steve says to Tony while i just watch, Steve looks at me and nods while i keep a cold face, my eyes drift to Bucky and i clench my jaw i then look away not wanting my tought to jeopardize the mission 

'' You too, Cap'' Tony says with a small smile, Tony then looks at Bcuky and says ''] Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop...'' Steve signs Bucky to lower his weapon and he does.

''Looks like Steve has his own super soldier pet'' i say coldly i walk past Bucky bumping his shoulder ''Come on let's find Zemo'' i say walking without looking back 


i have my gun back at my hands while we walk towards some chambers there's broken glass on the ground. 

Tony leads us towards the enormous chamber with the capsules standing in it, this place is where me and Bucky figthed... '' I got heat signatures.'' i look around 

''How many'' i ask 

'' Uh, one.'' suddently all the capsules ligth up reveling some type of corpse in them  

'' If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep'' someone who i belive to be Zemo says on the speaker i look at the corpse and see that they are the other super soldier, they have a buket wound on their head '' Did you really think I wanted more of you?'' Zemo continues

''What the hell...'' i hear Barnes say under his breath 

''I'm grateful to them, though. They brought you here.'' Zemo says, then suddently  Zemo appears in a control room, i quickly shot at him and Steve shots his shield to them but nothing happends because of the little  bullet prove glass

'' Please, Black Sun and Capitan. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets.'' i walk  carefully with my gun aiming at him 

''I'm betting I could beat that.'' Tony quickly says  

'' Oh, I'm sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you'd never know why you came.'' Steve walks quickly to Zemo chamber 

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