Ch.21 Civil War

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Hello dudes can you guys blow up my comments, and i will try to update more often.

I let the water wake me up, and wash my face,i then feel two arms warp around my waist, i tense up, i look in the mirrow and see Maria "hey why aren't you in bed" she asks with a sleepy voice

I turn around and grab her face softly "you should be sleeping Maria...go back to bed i will be back in a minute" Maria puts her head on my chest still sleepy

"Uhm ok...but please come back" i sigh and Maria goes back to bed, after what happend last night with Victoria i'm feeling even more scared...i just-- i don't even know, Maria works for Tony and S.H.I.E.L.D is gone, i just am scared.

Scared she will leave me, scared something is gonna go wrong, scared she doesn't really like me...scared that Victoria is gonna come back and haunt me.

I look myself in the mirrow one more time and then go back into the room, i lay down on the bed, as soon as Maria feels me lay down on bed, she wraps her arms around me and stuffs her head on my neck "you smell nice..." she says almost falling a sleep, i chuckle and kiss her forehead.

I try to go back to sleep hoping that i would fall into the dream land but it wasn't like that.

Lian Yu

I keep my hands warm on the fire i just made, and sit back enjoying the fire "HELP" i quickly snap my head back hearing someone scream help,

I get up and grab my bow and run towards the scream, i when i get close enough i aim trying to look for something, after what feels like minutes i hear another scream

"Help please" i go towards the feminine voice, i walk some more carufully to not be seen and see a blonde woman laying on the ground, i look at her for a while...she is the first time i see someone in years

She looks up, and god she as beautiful green eyes, and her hair is a dirty beautiful blonde "please-i-i i need help" i go over to her and help her sit down, i look at over her body looking for injuries, i don't see any so i let her go

"How dis you get here" i ask with a serious face, her lips tremble and a single tear runs down her face

"I-my parents they--god" she starts to cry a lot, i clear my throat and pat her back.

After she is done crying i get up and say "we should go to my will be safe there."


I snap awake and look around looking for danger,but i only find a beautiful raven in my bed, i kiss her forehead and look at the time and see that it's 7 AM, i sigh and run a hand down my face

"'s time to wake up" i say softly to her ear, she groans and pulls me closer to her, i laugh softly "come on...we can have shower sex if you wake up now" Maria quickly opens her eyes, and i laugh loudly

"I'm up" she says rubing her eyes, i get up from the bed still naked from last night and walk to the bathroom, i then hear Maria whistle "nice ass"

I laugh and shake my head.
In the middle of the shower i feel Maria come in and put her head on my back, i grab her hands and make her hug me from behind

It feels really good having her arms around me, and the hot water runing down our bodies, i turn around and open my eyes to look at Maria...we just stare at each other for a while but then i lean in kissing her

"You are just beautiful" i say in between kisses, Maria laughs softly and puts both of her hands on the bacl of my neck pulling me to a more passion kiss

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