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I feel a soft breath on my neck so i open my eyes slowly to see Maria tangled in my arms, i smile softly and kiss her forehead, she is warm and smells so good...maybe we should hang out today with the girls...take her head out of that piece of shit that Mark

I see Sumo look at me expecting us to go for a run "not today i'm gonna stay here with Maria" i say quietly, Sumo whines and comes over to says and lays on Maria face making her groan

"Oh god Sumo no" Sumo licks my face while Maria face is being squashed by Sumo "Sumo down NOW" Sumo whines again but get's out of the bed

Maria looks at me annoyed "i'm sorry" i say embarrassed, Maria looks at me for a while and then laughs "I guess he really wanted to go for a walk" i say , Maria hugs me and buries her head on my neck

"To bad, i'm really comfortable" Sumo whines and me and Maria laugh "ok ok let's go on a walk" Maria says geting up, when she get's up i see she is in one of my boxers making me feel hot

She looks back at me and looks confused but then realises that she is wearing my boxers, she looks down at then looks at me "yeah i hope you don't mind i just wanted to take a shower" i see her cheeks are red

"No look good wearing my things" i get up and walk to the bathroom "i'm gonna take a quick shower".

While i'm in the shower i feel the door open i look back and see Maria enter the bathroom with her hand covering her eyes "i'm sorry i just need my phone i left it here" i laugh softly and say

"No don't need to cover your eyes" Maria slowly takes her hand out of her face and trys not to look at me but her eyes drift to me

She looks me up and look stoping from time to time to look at mt abs and crotch, i smirk and slide my hands down my abs "i don't think your phone is over here" Maria snaps out of it and looks away with red cheeks, she grags her phone and leaves quickly

I laugh and enjoy the rest of my shower. Me and Maria are in the kitchen, i'm making some avocados toast for me and Maria

"I want some apple juice"  i say spreading the avocado on the toast, Maria puts the juice in two cups and puts them on the table

"Hey" Natasha says coming into the kitchen i put the plates down and look at Natasha

"Good morning, it's good that you're here i wanted to ask you and the rest of the girls something" Maria gives me a confused look

"Sure what's up" Natasha takes one of my toast and takes a bite out of it, i stare at her blankly "what i was hungry" i sigh

"Well i was think about us, you know the girls, go out and go to my studio...i have a music studio but we can also do ceramics" i say looking at Natasha and Maria, Maria gives me a smile and nods her head

"Yeah sure sounds fun,who do you want to invite?" I take a sip out of my apple juice and say

"Wanda,Pepper,you and Maria" Natasha smiles

"Yeah sounds good."

Time skip

I go to Wanda's room and knock Pietro opens the door and i give him a confused look

"Ins't this Wanda room?" Pietro laughs and says

"We where just having brother and sister time,you know" i laugh and say

"Yes i do,now tell Wanda i will be waiting for her in the garage so we can leave" Pietro looks confused

"Where are you guys going that i wasn't invited" i laugh

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now