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I look at my nephew shocked "Tony?" He smiles and comes in pushing me away from the door.

"Well i wanted to be with you but you said that you where busy so i called Kara and told her to cancel everything you have planed for today.'' i look at him and then at Pepper. 

''You could have told me Junior.'' i say looking back at him. 

''why would  i tell you? so you can cancel everything again.'' i sigh and go hug him , he hugs me back and says. ''you better go put on a shirt Pepper is looking to much at your abs.'' i laugh and give Pepper a hug , i love that girl. She makes Tony a better man. 

''ok ok , you guys go on and cook breakfast while i go put a shirt on'' they nod and i go to my room with Sumo follwing me. when i get to my room  see the photo of Howard , Peggy and me i grab it and put it under my pillow , i grab a white t-shirt and walk out of my room . 

When i go back to the kitchen i see Tony and Pepper cooking , Tony is taking care of the eggs and Pepper is cooking sausages ''well that smeels good.'' they both turn around and smile .

''i'm doing my secret recipe.'' he says with a smile , i laugh and say. 

''i didn't even know you could cook.'' i say with a small smirk , Tony fakes laugh and tells me to sit down.

''so Y/n what have you been doing these days?'' Pepper asks , i get up and start to prepare coffee. 

''oh you know the usual taking care of Sumo ,business...''  i say looking at my fluffy friend .

''doens't seem like you are that busy i really wonder why you never accept when i invite you over to the tower'' Tony says a little bit mad. 

''Tony...'' i look at the ground. 

''no don't Tony me , you are my only family and you still barely spend time with me.'' i sigh 

''Tony...i-i shit'' i hang my head low. the kid is right- shit who am i even calling kid he's a full grown adult now, old enough to notice that i'm not around has much has i used to. 

''He really misses you Y/n.'' Pepper says , i don't say anything i just stare at the floor, after a while i say .

''you know i love you, rigth Junior, i-i, sometimes things are just hard for me, so i just avoid them.'' i say looking up at Tony who is putting plates at the table .

''i know... i just want to see you more aunt Y/n'' i smile and go hug him. 

''i'm sorry.'' after a while Tony backs away and says .

''now lets go eat'' i smile and give a mug of coffe to the both of them  , we sit and start to eat , we have small talk until Tony says. 

''So aunt Y/n do you remember that one big favor you owe me?'' i look at Tony and raise an eyebrow .

''Of course Junior, why do you bring it up right now?'' i say taking a bite of my eggs. 

''i need help. me and the team are going to slovakia to a Hydra base who has Loki scepter and we really need your help.'' i sigh and let my fork hit the plate.

''did Fury tell you to talk to me?'' i say kinda mad 

''no i was the one who gave him the idea, i know  you still have it in you, you still are a su-'' i run a hand on my face, before he can say anything more i  interrupt him.

''Tony i told Fury i'm not going back to that.'' I say making my state clear. Tony groans.

''Come on Y/n you owe me this.'' i scoff.

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now