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I go straight to my room excited to see Sumo.  i open the door and get knock down by Sumo he licks my face and barks happily , i grab his face and give a lot of kisses. ''hey buddy i missed you so much my big baby.'' after a while of kisses i get up  and go into my room i close the door and take of my shirt and take off the rest of my clothes and go take a shower. after the shower i dress a tigh black shirt some pants. 

''Hey Sumo i will be back but i have to go and see Peter and May.'' Sumo barks and  i smile and pet him before leaving , i go in my car and drive to a florist , i look around trying to find the best flowers i can give to May. 

''Can i help you.'' i hear a voice say i turn around and see a girl with a friendly face. 

''sure, i would like that.'' she smiles and says.

''So what are you looking for?  flowers for a friend or a lover?'' dang i mean May is my friend or my lover? i mean we are going on a date but im not even sure i like her romantically , she is beautiful but am i ready to date? i think i am but with her?

''I-she-we... uh friends?'' i say with confusion clearly in my voice. 

''What flowers does she likes'' i look even more confused now , she sighs but quickly smiles back again .

''ok how about some tulips?'' the girl suggests. I smile and say.

''That sounds great'' 

''what color?'' i think about may and the color yellow immediately comes to my head 

''Yellow. yellow will be great.'' she smiles once more and goes get the flowers , i wait and send a text  to May.

Y/n-Hey doll.

May-hey Y/n i miss you.

Y/n-i miss you too. 

May-when i'm gonna see you.

Y/n-i don't know when i'm gonna get back .

May-can't wait to see you.

Y/n- i can't wait to see you too.

i turn off my phone when i see the girl walk in with the flowers in hand. ''they are beautiful.'' i pay the flowers and drive to May house. i knock on the door and then the door opens and i see Peter. 

''Y/N!'' he says excited trows himself on me  i hug him tightly and ruffle his hair. 

''Hey buddy what's up?'' i the hear  footsteps i look up and see May , i smile and let go  of Peter.

''Hey ,May.'' i say with a smirk.

''Y/n.'' she smiles and comes hug me , i hug her back ''i I thought you weren't where.'' i laugh and pull back.

''well i wanted to suprise you.'' she smiles and i hand her the flowers ''i don't really know if you like tulips but i got you these.'' 

''Y/n these are beautiful thank you'' she kisses my cheek and i just smirk.

''it was nothing.'' i grab her hand and kiss it leaving her cheeks bright red. 

''Come on.''  She grabs my hand and drags me inside , she makes me sit on the couch and Peter sits beside me.

''I'm gonna get some cookies for you Y/n.'' i smile before i can refuse Peter says. 

''YES. aunt May's cookies are the best Y/n.'' i laugh .

''I'm sure they are bu-'' May  interrupts me 

''You are gonna eat the cookies Y/n.'' she says with a serious face. i put my hands up and smirk and she goes into the kitchen.

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now