Ch.46 Epilogue

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7 Years Later

I feel wet kisses down my cheek and my neck so i slowly open my eyes and groan, i was having such a nice dream ''Good morning my love'' i hear my wife soft voice say

''I wanna sleep'' i say putting my face in the pillow making Maria laugh softly, she runs her hand on my hair making me calm 

''I love you...'' i smile and slowly look at her with sleepy eyes 

''I love you to so much'' she smiles and grabs my face giving me a kiss full of love and affection 

''Come on we have to--'' suddently the door opens and a little creature comes runing to us and jumps on top of me 

''MOMMY'' I laugh softly anf hug my little bundle of joy 

''Well hello Anthony how did you sleep'' my little boy jumps from my arms and goes hug his other mama 

''So goooood, i had a dream that a-a GIANT mermaid t-took me on a trip to see the ocean'' I smile at my boy, i'm proud of him , he has a lot of problems with stuttering but he always tries his best 

''WOW, that's just amazing, and tell me where is your sister?'' Anthony thinks for a moment 

''Aaaah, sleeping?'' he says with a cute face and with a figer on his chin, i smile and kiss his head getting up 

''Ok, i'm going to wake up Natalia and i will bring her downstairs'' i say to Maria kissing her head 

''Ok sure baby, me and Tony are going to make breakfast'' Anthony jumps up excited 

''Can it b-be WAFFLES'' Maria laughs and nods, i smile and leave the room.

...Yeah it's been 7 years, the best 7 years of my life, me and Maria didn't waste any time when i got back from the dead,  we moved in together in our beach house and well...we made Anthony it was hard, so god damn hard my sperm isn't the best so for us to actually have him it took a lot of work tears and frustration, but when we got our little boy it was the best day of our lifes, and three years later Natalia came, she wasn't planed but when Maria told me she was pregnant i was so shocked but so happy.

They are everything i have wished for, Anthony is a sweet smart boy, just like Tony, Natalie is more sassy but still a sweetheart, they get so goddamn spoiled by Wanda and Nat, Tony bought Anthony a whole ass dinosaur museum, when he hear Anthony liked dinosaurs that was the thing he gave him on his 6 year birthday, needless to say that me and Maria were mad, but well Tony said that the little Tony like he likes to call Anthony will be the full owner of the museum when he is 22, so now the museum is taken care by Tony.

I knock on Natalia's door and wait for a voice or something telling me i can come in, but when i don't hear any i just enter the room knowing she will be sleeping, i see my baby girl sleeping peacefully on her bed with Sumo and Willie, i aw at the scene.

I sit next to Natalia and run a hand on her hair trying to wake her up ''Come on sleepy head it's time to wake up'' Natalia doesn't move so i shake her a little ''Nataliaaa'' i say but she still doesn't move which scares me and makes me think she is dead, so i quickly grab her shoulders and shake her, to which she opens her eyes ''Oh thank god'' i say huging the child 

''What is it mommy?'' she asks rubing her eyes 

''I thought you were de--'' i take a deep  breath and grab the child into my arms getting up ''You know what it's nothing much, mama made breakfast'' Natalia eyes widen 

''Oh reawly'' i laugh at how she says really 

''Yeah, she is making waffles'' Natalia almost jumps out of my arms to run of but i grab her and walk out of her room with Sumo and Willie following us.

When we get down to the kitchen i put Natalia down and she runs to hug Maria's legs making me chuckle ''Mamaaaa'' she says, i smile and walk to the calendar to see what day it is because i rwally have no idea, my eyes widen when i see what day it is, me and Maria's anniversary 

''Hey baby what day is it'' she asks while setting the table, i turn to her 

''Ah... 26 of April...'' Maria looks at me and her eyes widen 

''IT'S OUR ANNIVERSARY''  I nod and she looks schocked ''Oh wow'' she sits down Natalia in her chair and looks at me ''I guess with the kids we got distracted'' I nods with a lieelt laugh 

''I guess we did'' Anthony looks at us 

''What is today?'' i walk to Maria and give her a peck on the lips to which Natalia makes ew 

''Today my sweet boy makes 15 years that me and your mom are together'' i still count the 5 years of the blip even know Maria wasn't here, i still celebrated and counted the years like if we were together 

''Oh wow you guys are old'' Natalia says making Maria laugh 

''I'm not that old but mommy is'' i scoff and say to her ear 

''But i can still make you cum like if was 25'' Maria bites her bottom lip and walks away from me to grab the food, i sit down i give the kids their juices 

''Thank you mommy'' they both say, i nod and Maria gives us the waffles and sits down 

''So what are we going to do today?'' i ask taking a bite of my food

''Well i was thinking about a quiet day with the kids and maybe we could go look for treasures on the beach'' i nod but still ask her 

''Are you sure you don't wanna do something more special?'' Maria smiles at me and looks at our kids who are stufing their face with food

''What could be more special then this?'' she asks with a smile, i smile looking at our bundle of joy 

''You're right''.


''MOMMY I F-FOUND A SPECIAL ROCK'' I hear Anthony say, i walk to him with the sand passing through my feet 

''What did you found little man'' he shows me a rock and i frown ''What is this?'' he tries to speak but he is to excited so he can't get it out ''hey like i taught you, take a deep breath and speak slowly'' Anthony nods and takes a deep breath 

''It's a fossil mommy'' is smile at him 

''Good job, and WOW that's so cool, but how do you know it?'' he grabs my hand which has the fossil 

''B-because a fossil bone is heavier than a normal bone, noticeably so, So, if your object is heavy, it might be a fossil, and i'm pretty sure this is'' i nod and walk to a big rock so i can crack it open 

''You want me to open it?'' he nods 

''Just be carefull'' i smile and with onw hit crack the fossil in two, i look inside and well the smart ass was right it is a fossil ''This i-is so COOL'' she says taking the fossil out of my hands and runing to Maria who is playing with Natalia in the sea shore ''MAMA MAMA'' He screams making Maria look at him.

He then shows her the fossil and i walk to them slowly ''Oh wow Anthony this is really cool'' 

''Yes it is mommy helped me'' Maria looks at me with pure happiness in her eyes, i sit down next to her and Natalia cozys up to me while Anthony goes Maria, i put my arm around Maria and look into the sunset, i start to remember everything i had to go through to get to this moment with the love of my life and my beautiful was worth it...all the pain and tears, it was all worth it

''We made it'' i say looking down to Maria who looks at me with loving eyes 

''I love you'' she says, i lean down and peck her lips 

''I love you too''.

Wow my dudes i can't even describe how i'm feeling right now, i'm feeling a lot of emotions right now my dudes, i'm really proud of how far i have come, and all i have to say is a big thank you to you guys, because you made this possible so thank you my dudes, love you all.

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