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I stare ar the dark ceiling just thinking about everything i could have done, i should be home i should be out there fiding the man who killied my baby, Peggy snores peacefully beside me, i wish i could be as strong as she is...but i'm not.

I sigh and slowly get out of bed trying not to wake up Peggy, i walk down stairs and go to my 'office' it's not really an office it's just my quiet place,i sit on my desk and open my drawer taking of all the files that can help me discover who attacked Peggy leading to our baby's dead

I open the file and read it  'Description black long hair, metal arm with a red start on it, wearing a black mask, 6'0 tall, really strong' i sigh, this isn't going anywhere how is it S.H.I.E.L.D suppost to make justice when they aren't even working in the case

I feel my self getting angry, me and Peggy have done so much for them and they still won't do anything they only make empty promises, i hit my desk getting out of my chair, i close my eyes 

I need to make justice, i need to make this right, i open my eyes and start to work on getting a location . 

I spent 2 hours finding a location and i finally did a suppostly abandoned HYDRA base. i get up and hit a few buttons on the wall which opens my secret compartment who as my suit and guns i dress myself and then start to put guns and ammunition on my bag when i feel like i'm being watched 

''hey'' Peggy says with a shaky i turn around slowly and look at her 

''Hey'' she gives a sad look

''It's been a while since i have sleep so long'' Peggy says trying to change the subject 

''You had a day...'' Peggy walks slowly towards me 

''Yeah'' Peggy looks at my bag and then at me ''Come back to bed...we'll talk about it in the morning. Okay?'' Peggy says walking back to the room 

''I have to do it Peggy'' it's no suprise that i want to go get revenge Peggy knows that we have talked about it since the day it happend but Peggy had always been able to talk me out of it...but not this time.

She turns to me and puts her hands on her hips ''You don't own me anything'' i look at her eyes and say 

''i don't sleep...i don't eat, I'm...I'm not like you Peggy'' Peggy shakes her head and says 

''What?'' she drops her hands ''You think this is easy?'' she walks towars me ''For you,for me i deal with it'' i look at the ground and then back at her again 

''I love you--'' Peggy interrupts me 

''Prove it'' i don't say anything ''stay...'' i can't look at Peggy so i just look at the ground. 

I slowly look at Peggy and say ''I can't'' Peggy gives me a disappointing look

''So what?'' she walks closer to me ''I'm just suppost to sit here and wait for you, for god knows how long, just thinking your dead you're fucking dead the entire time?'' i quickly say 

''I don't plan on dying.''

''Yeah, well neither did Steve or Bucky''i don't say anything i just grab my bag but then Peggy pushes me 

''Hey stop'' she grabs my face ''Hey, hey come on'' she sakes her head lightly ''we can build a family'' she leans in closer to my lips ''That man doesn't get to be more important than out future.'' Peggy caress the side of my face with her thumbs, i grab her hand and we join our foreheads ''no.'' Peggy says softly

I pull away and Peggy starts to sob, she turns away with her hand on her face while i just look at the ground ''I'm not gonna do this again'' Peggy says softly 

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