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I pull up at the tower and go straight to where Tony is ''Hey Tony can we talk'' he looks away from the tv and says

''Sure, sit down'' i sit next to him and take a deep breath , i'm doing this for me for Peter for Tony and for Peggy 

''So i don't think i wanna leave'' Tony eats a blueberry and says 

''Sure you can stay in the tower the guys like you'' he says with a smile making me chuckle 

''Tony that's not what i mean...i want to be an Avenger...'' Tony looks at me for moments chocked but them gets up jumping excited leting his blueberrys fall on the couch 

''YES YES YES I KNEW YOU WOULD'T WANT TO LEAVE'' i laugh and get up he hugs me excited 

''Yeah yeah sure someone needs to take care of your mess'' he ignores my commet

''FRIDAY call everyone to the living room tell them it's urgent'' in seconds the guys are here leaving me chocked of how fast they can be 

''What is it Tony , i really hope you didn't build another murder bot'' Natasha says making me laugh 

''No i did not... Y/N IS JOINGING THE TEAM'' he says with a big smile the guys smile at me and come and hug me 

''I know you will be a great Avenger Y/n'' Steve says pulling back from our hug

''I'm gonna trow a party in celebration of Y/n becaming an Avenger'' i laugh and pit a hand on Tony shoulder

''There is no need'' Pietro comes next to me and says 

''Yes it is need Y/n just imagine all the pretty girls that would be there'' Pietro says with a hand on my shoulder , Wanda scoffs and says 

''Of course you only think about the pretty girls'' i see Natasha look at Wanda 

''Ok ok sure a party does sounds good... we should bring dates to the party'' i see that Natasha i still looking at Wanda ''Don't you think Nat?'' she looks at me embarassed 

''Yeah sure...'' i smirk but keep my mouth shut

''Well now i have to talk to Peggy, i will have everything prepared'' Tony leaves leaving the rest of us here , i grab i phone and text Maria 

Y/n:Hey , so i was thinking about maybe tomorrow if you would like the grab that cofe??

Maria:Sure i would love that.

I smile to myself 

Y/n:i will grab you of work so we can go grab the cofe

Maria:okay see you tomorrow

Y/n:Bye sleep well :)

''So who what's to watch a movie?'' Steve asks. 

Time skip

I'm in my room getting ready for the party and i still don't have a date , i would ask Maria but i'm scared so i'm just gonna go my own party...just perfect

I dress a nice suit white suit with a black shirt and a red tie

I pit some rings and my watch, i spray some cologne and grab a red ribbon for Sumo i put it around his neck and we leave the room to go to the party , i told Tony that i'm bringing Sumo to the Party and that people who don't like dogs should't come, i also told him to keep the music not so loud because of Sumo.

We go down to the room where the party is and things are pretty calm, Tony told me about Banner and him running away he is a nice guy i hope he comes back some day , Thor went back to Asgard so unfortunately we won't see him, Sumo really likes Thor,

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now