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I look at the clock on the wall and see that it's already 4 am, god i have spent a lot of time down here... i still have a lot to do, i feel my phone buzze in my pocket, who the hell is calling me at four in the morning, i look down and see Kara's name on the screen i pick up and say 

''Hey Kara why are you calling me at four AM?'' 

''Well  i just wanted to say that the metal you order is about to get to you'' oh so that's why 

''Oh shit right tottaly forgot, well thank you, now you should go on and sleep'' i hear Kara laugh softly 

''Yeah yeah sure, so how are things with Maria'' i smile to myself thinking about how great it's going 

''It's pretty good, her boyfriend cheated on her and she came to me for comfort, thaat makes me happy knowing she trust  me''

''Y/n tha's great, you're her comfort place'' my smile grows a bit 

''Yeah it really you should really go to bed Kara''

''Yeah yeah i will now you better go to bed to Miss Y/n i want you well rested'' i chuckle 

''Yes Ma'am'' she laughs and hangs up, i sigh and go to the lobby, i see a woman on the desk and go over to her 

''Hello a package just came in with the name Y/n Stark'' the lady looks up and her eyes widen looking at me , she quickly get's up and grabs my package 

''Here it is Miss Stark'' i give her a smile and i swear i felt her getting goosebumps

''Thank you honey'' even it's dark i could still see her cheeks go red with the nickname, i grab the package and leave but not before winking at her.

I start to melt the metel adamantium into the shape i want...Howard would love to see this 


''Y/N Y/N'' i hear my name being called so i stop in my tracks and see Howard out of breath

''Hey what's up?'' Howard takes a deep breath and says 

''I have the best idea for us to work in''. 

Time Skip

''Brother this is amazing'' i can't belive my brainless brother could came up with such a good idea ''This can be really useful...'' Howard gives me smug look 

''I mean what did you expect i'm a genius'' i hit his shoulder softly and he whines ''you know i love you right?'' Howard says leaving me confused 

''I love you too...where did this come from'' i say raising a eyebrow at him, he laughs softly 

''Well sometimes i feel like i don't say that enough times'' i grab Howard and bring him to a hug 

''Thank you for being my brother''.

End of Flashback

i look at the clock and see that it's now 7 AM, i sigh and get up, i should leave now i have to sleep.

While i'm walking in the corridors i hear someone call me 

''Hey Y/n'' i turn around and see Maria i give her a smile and she gives me a worried look ''why are you on the same clothes as yesterday please tell me you didn't spend the night in here'' i look away 

''uhm my mother told me it's wrong to lie'' i look back at Maria and she hits me hard in the head ''ouch what was that for'' she smirks and says 

''For nor sleeping, you are so careless, you better go home right now and sleep at least 7 hours.'' i laugh softly and say 

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now