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It's been two weeks, TWO whole weeks that me and Maria don't talk, i feel hurt but my ego and her ego are to big to talk to each other, i have been trying by best to avoid her, Tony says i'm acting like a teenager and that i should just talk to her

But there is no way in hell that i'm gonna apologize for breaking that asshole nose, i should have broken his face, i mean what does he has that is so good that Maria whants him , he is ugly, dumb, ugly , disrespectful and ugly, i keep puching the puching bag but this time a little bit faster, i whish this was him, that i could fuck up his ugly face , what does he has that i don't i have money, i'm smart , i have a nice body a big dick, am always nice to women and i have a really cute dog, maybe i should just forget it, i mean maybe Peggy wouldn't be happy if i dated her... 

i sigh, Peggy would want me to be happy and not some sad looking dog, god i miss her, i wish i could just see her one last time, i feel two hands on my shoulder, i grab the hand and bring the person down to the ground , i get up and see Pietro ''Ouch what did i do?'' oh shit 

''Oh Pietro you scared me, don't do that while i'm on killer mode'' i help him her up 

''Sure, i just wanted to say that Tony said that you have to teach Vision some lessons about life'' i scoff and grab my towell cleaning the sweat of my face 

''Why me? i mean Steve is the good guy, he would be way better'' 

''Well he is bussy and the rest of the guys voted for you to do it'' i scoff and say 

''For the love of god, tell Vision to meet me in the garage'' Pietro nods and goes away using his super speed which Tony told him not to. i go to th e garage and grab some tools , i don't really know what i'm gonna say to Vision... i guess we can talk while i fix some things on Steve bike , i wait for a while until Vision comes through th wall scaring me 

''Hello Y/n'' i jump a little , i get up and clean my hands on a old rag 

''Hello Vision...'' he smiles at me and then things get silent ''So...uhm, do you like cars?'' Vision comes next to me 

''Hum well i don't exactly like things... i'm still learning'' i give him a soft smile and get down so i can see the bike motor , Vision sits next to me and i hand him a pneumatic impact wrench

''The pneumatic impact wrench is one of the most important equipment in a motorcycle workshop, It facilitates your work by tightening or loosening nuts and bolts with agility, speed or any other type of torque. The equipment works by pressing compressed air supplied by an air source.'' i say to Vision while puting a little bit of oil on the motor 

''Now tighten that bolt'' Vision looks at me confused 

''Miss Stark i'm not sure i'm the best for this'' i chuckle 

''Well i didn't really knew u was good at fixing things until i tried it'' he looks at me hesitant ''Come on it's not gonna hurt'' he sighs and tries to tighten the bolt but doesn't use much strength ''Use more strength Vision'' he does as told and does a good job , i give him a chuckle and a pat on the back ''See that was a beginign, now i need to change these tires'' i take off the old tires out and put new ones , i grab my calibrador to se if the tires are calibrated 

Vision watches me and i teach him a few things about motorbikes ''You should drive a bike one day it's the best feeling in the world the fredom you feel while your hair flies'' i look at Vision and see that he is bald ''uhm maybe not the hair part'' he gives me soft chuckle and keep listening to me ''You know  you have to take care of this things like they are your baby, they get scratched easily'' after i'm done talking about bikes Vision says 

''You really like motorbikes don't you?'' he says with a small smile , i give him a chuckle and say  

''Yes...i guess i do, i mean it's a good hoby... it takes your head out of the things that are going bad around you...'' i don't look at Vision, i look the wall , Maria comes immediately to my head, i miss her voice, i miss her laugh, i miss how nice she always smells , i miss how she put a hand on my arm every time i made her laugh.

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now