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I grab her hips while Maria jumps up and down on my cock ''Ooooh fuuuck yes yes, i fucking missed this cock so much'' she says scratches my abs, i trail my hands down her back while leaning in to  kissing her jaw 

''God Maria you feel so good'' i say when she rides me faster, she does feel so god dman good around my cock, her walls squeeze the life out of my cock, it's like she was made for me, Maria grabs my shoulders and poushes my back to the bad, she then leans in closer to me and kisses me while clenching her walls around my cock ''Fuuuck i'm close i'm so god damn close'' Maria smirks into the kiss knowing how much effect she has over me 

I start to move my hips the same pace as her, i'm hitting her g spot every time which makes her clench around my cock harder,Maria trembles on top of me while cuming,  i when i can't hold it anymore i explose inside of her moaning loudly ''Fuck fuck fuck''.

Maria lays down next to me breathing heavely ''Fuck that was really good'' Maria says putting her head on my chest

'' always is when it's you'' i kiss Maria head 

''Y/n Tony told me about the 'explosion' you had...he told me about the black orbs forming in you'r hand'' i clench my jaw

''Uhm...Maria i-'' i sigh ''some time ago me and my brother wanted to make another serum but with to mixed metals...something that would change the world, the theory was mixing adamantium with anti-metal would make a trong serum, not only strong a-a invincible one, Maria a couple months i did it...and then i took it...'' Maria quickly get's up from my chest and looks at me angry

''And you didn't think about telling this to you'r girlfriend? Y/n you are crazy what if this had kill you?'' i chuckle nervously 

''But it didn't i'm here i'm ok'' Maria hits me in the shoulder 

''But you don't know for how long i don't know when you will explode you don't know how to control this Y/n'' i feel kinda hurt that Maria would ever tough that i would hurt her, i think she can see that she hurt me 

''Maria i know i won't die because of this i-i have been studying this for years'' Maria scoffs and looks away ''Come on Maria trust me'' she looks at me and then says 

''It's not that i don't trust you i do i really do, i just don't trust the things that you just put in you're body'' i sigh and run a hand down my face 

''Maria i know what i'm doing'' Maria seems mad now 

''NO YOU DON'T Y/N'' she grabs the sheets to cover her breast area ''You are mixing deadly things you are selfish and dumb, haven't you tought about how i'm going to be in this situation, i'm not sure that Nick my bestfriend will like that a super strong soldier has made another serum that she didn't even use for S.H.I.E.L.D she used it for herself'' i scoff 

''OH so this is what it's all about WORK, of course it's work, because with you EVERY SINGLE THING IT'S ABOUT FUCKING WORK'' i see Maria look scared i look down and see my hands light up with the same black orb 

''I think it's better if i leave''  Maria quickly dresses herself 

''No no Maria come on i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you'' i get up and try to grab her arm but she doges it and leaves the room, i let out an angry sigh and kick the nearest thing  close to me which happends to be e chair, i sit on my bed and i hear Sumo whine ''Not now buddy''.


I walk in the kitchen with dark circles around my eyes from not sleeping ''Oh i see someone was up all night'' Tony says with a laugh, i grab a cup with coffe and take a sip 

''Not now Tony'' Tony looks a bit confused 

''Did something happend?'' before i can answer i see Pepper come in with Maria by her side but when Maria sees me she quickly says goodbye to Pepper and leaves, i sigh run my hand on my face ''Oooh so something did happend'' Pepper gives tony a look, i grab an apple and start to leave 

''I have some things to do'' while on my way to the lab i feel a strong twinge in my heart ''Shit'' i groan and fall to the ground in pain, i grab my chest holding for dear life, i feel the pain move to my whole body, i groan louder, but the pain slowly goes away, i take a deep breath ''What the fuck was that'' i ask myself while getting up 

I see Wanda walk to me ''Hey are you ok you seem a bit out of place'' i shake my head a bit trying to recompose myself 

''Yeah yeah i'm good...aren't you suppost to be on vacation?'' Wanda laughs a bit and grabs my bicep while we walk 

''Oh yeah but i tought you would like some help while trying to control you'r new powers'' i nod slowly 

''Thank you Wanda really but i want you to have a good time with Nat'' Wanda put's her head on my shoulder 

''Sure sure. We can have a good time here and also we will only be here for a couple of weeks'' we get in the training room  and Wanda let's go of my arm ''Oh tell me what exactly we are we dealing with'' i sigh and say

''Well i made a serum out of adamantium and anti-metal and well i took it, and now i can sht black magic out of my hands when i'm angry'' Wanda nods 

''So can you control it?'' i laugh a bit 

''No not really, it only comes when i'm angry'' Wanda nods and walks to me, when she gets right in my face she punches me ''Ouch what the fuck was that for?'' 

''Just testing'' I scoff and say 

''Testing what Wanda'' Wanda then punches me again this time harder, i feel myself get a bit angry ''Can you stop?'' she looks at me and kicks me in the nuts...Well now i'm angry, Wanda looks at me with wide eyes i then look down and see the black orbs in my hands but they quickly disappear

''No no bring them back''  i sigh

''I can't Wanda'' Wanda then grabs my hands and let's her magic flow trow my hands 

''Do you see this, this is the magic the mind stone gave me, it took me a while until i could control it...just close you'r ass and let it flow trow you, feel you'r magic'' i close my eyes and think about my powers...

I can feel them i can feel them run trow my body, i then start to push them to my hands until i feel my hands get warm, i slolwy open my eyes and see that Wanda hands are not on my and i see two black orbs on my hands ''Now try to combine them'' Wanda says 

I push my hands together and now the two orbs turn into one big orb ''It's really pretty'' i say while looking at it'' Wanda laugh softly 

''Yes it is, i'm pround of you not many people can do this at the first try...Now try to shut that dummy'' i look at the fighting doll and shot at it, the dummy immediately get's trown to the wall and it's face melts 

''Oh wow'' i say laughing a bit with Wanda ''Also am pretty sure i can melt any metal'' Wanda smirks and grabs one of Nat batons she trows it to me and i grab it, i then start to grab it harder making it melt

''That is just awesome'' Wanda says looking at the mekted stick 

''Oh yes it is'' Me and her laugh a bit 

''Now take of you'r shirt i want to see of you got any stronger'' i laugh and take of my shirt when i look up to Wanda her eyes are wide and she looks a bit scared 

''What?'' i ask 

''Y/n why are you'r veins black...'' 

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now