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I take a deep breath looking at the beautiful view...the grass smell nice and the sky looks just amazing, i then feel someone sit next to be...for a moment it's quited until i speak ''So is this what the afterlife is like?'' Peggy turns to me with a soft smile 

''I guess you could say so...'' i shake my head sowly ''Why are you disappointed?'' i shake my head 

''No no...i just wish things where different you know?'' she smiles at me 

''I do Y/n...i wish i had understod you more and helped you when we lost our baby'' i look at her 

''Don't say that you did everything right-'' she quickly interrupts me

''No Y/n, i should have been there for you not puting myself to work more to just forget the pain, i was so hurt but i didn't dare to show it, because i  thought i had to just eat my feelings up for me to be ok, and then i just-...i wasn't there enough for you Y/, and if i was maybe things would have been different...'' i look away from her to look at the view

''Maybe...'' i shortly say 

''But i'm glad things weren't different'' i quickly look at her '' found a new purpose in your life Y/ found a new family, friends co workers found a woman who made you so happy even tho things were going into hell...'' i clench my jaw thinking of Maria ''I now you think i feel some type of way because you and Maria, but i don't i'm so happy Y/n, everyone in your place would have just given up, but you didn't you fought and you got something good out of it...'' I sigh 

''I wish i could be with them again...'' Peggy nods 

''You made the choice Y/n, you could have not sacrificed.'' i scoff and look at her 

''What was i suppost to do Peggy? let the whole world die?'' Peggy smiles

''You knew what you where up to Y/n, you did it because you have a good heart, and now well you deal with the consequences, because everything in life has consequences'' i slowly nod 

''Is this...the end?'' i ask feeling quite scared 

'' least not for you'' i quickly look at her and see her disappearing, and in her place a screen shows up 

''Tony?'' i say looking into the screen who seem to be my point of view

''It's been 2 months since Y/n been dead, her body hasn't decompose because i have been freezing it and her powers aslso helped, today we will try to bring Y/n back to life for the thirtieth...'' I shake my head in confusion

''What...'' I see Tony grab a syringe

''I hevn't really slept much, this past few months...'' he says to the voice recorder ''I feel guilty, Morgan is always asking for auntie Y/n and crying her eyes  out...'' Tony says, i can see dark circles under his eyes, he looks a bit more skinny ''I miss my auntie like hell...she was the best one of us, she cared about everyone, t should have been me.'' i slowly get up, Tony puts a dark blue liquid in the syringe and walks to me ''I'm going to bring you back auntie'' He then sticks the syringe into my veins.

I touch the screen trying to get back, but its rock solid ''Come on i have to get back'' i see my body start to seizure ''COME ON'' i say banging on the screen who now seems like water, i go to bang again but my whole body slips through the screen.

My whole body jumps up with a gasp, Tony looks at me shoked and kinda scared ''Y/n?'' i nod, he chuckles and puts his hands on his mouth ''I did it'' i try to get up but my legs feel wobbly ''Wait you have been out for quite a while here'' he psuhes me back into the bed and gives me a cup of water which i glady drink it.

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now