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''What?'' i quickly run to the mirror and...i see it my veins are black all over my arms and chest. I feel a strong pain in my veins which makes me fall into the ground groaning, Wanda runs to me and grabs my head 

''Hey hey what is happening'' i shake in pain, i feel like my whole body is burning, i feel the pain climb my neck making me clench my jaw in pain, Wanda's eyes are filled with worrie.

After a few more seconds i'm finally ok, i take a deep breath and sit down ''I-shit'' i look at myself in the mirror, i touch my veins in my neck that are now black, i look at Wanda and quickly say ''Please don't tell Maria

''Y/n i need to get you to Tony'' i shake my head 

''No no he has more important things to do'' Wanda scoffs 

''What could be more important then his aunt the women he loves more in this world'' i close my eyes 

''I can't Wanda'' i try to get up but my legs feel like jelly so i fall back down on the ground

''Yeah i'm calling Tony''.


''So...i was wrong'' i ask Tony who is putting me some serum so try and slow down the infestation

''Yes you were Y/n but that isn't important right now because you are dying...'' Tony is trying to hide his emotions but i can see deep down that he is worried ''We have to stop the infestation...'' Wanda who's beside me seems confused and worried 

''I-i don't understand'' Tony nods and sits down on a chair which was near by 

''Y/n mixed adamantium with anti-metal, and anti-metal works by corrupting other metals, like adamantium or titanium, it can  destroy almost every metal but not vibranium or Y/n had the brillant idea two mix the two, which by it self was impossible but after a few alterations Y/n found the way, which was taking two important molecules from anti-metal and they would supposedly work together, but well that didn't really happend and now the anti-metal is eating Y/n insides...'' i don't even look at Tony i only look at the ground...i failed.

The one thing my brother really wanted to do was this...and i still failed...i failed Howard,  i try to get up and take the syringe that's on my arm ''I have to go'' but Tony quickly outs himself in front of the lab door 

''No no. we don't know when the next attack will happend Y/n you need to be under surveillance 24/7'' before i can protest, i see a mad but worried Maria strom into the lab

''Where is she where is that stupid dumb ass'' i see that Pepper is next to her, Tony must have tolded Pepper an she must have told Maria, when Maria sees me her eyes go wide, she walks to me and grabs my face, her face seems soft for a moment but then that changes and she starts hitting me  ''Are dumb, of course you are you stupid idiot'' Wanda gets up and pushes Maria back since i wasn't reacting.

Maria takes  a deep breath and comes near me again but this time she just hugs me ''Why do you have to be so dumb'' she says with her face stufed in my neck 

''I'm sorry'' i say softly, she pulls back and kisses me 

''Tony what is happening to my girlfriend'' Tony tells Maria the same he told Wanda and when he finish Maria seems devastated ''And what can we do about it'' Tony seems like he doesn't know exactly what to say 

''I i don't know, Bruce was the one who knew about medicine'' Maria squeezes my hand hard but i don't complain 

''What-what about the medicine Nick gave you'' Tony shakes his head 

''This is two diferent things Maria my heart was getting fried and Y/n has anti-metal inside of  her which is eating her insides'' Maria sits down next to me ''I-i should go'' Tony quickly leaves the room and Pepper goes after him, i sigh and run a hand on my face 

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now