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I walk in Fury office and sit down, i look around his office and notice that it's pretty simple not much significant things ''Y/n Stark in my office, what a suprise'' he says sarcastically, i turn around with the chair and smirk at him 

''Hello Fury'' he sits on his chair  ''i want my things back Fury'' i say letting my smirk down, he looks at me serious and then says 

''Well then you just have to do a simple thing...'' i give him a puzzled look 

''Which is?'' he smirks and takes some papers out of his drawer, he slowly slides them to me and says 

''You have to join S.H.I.E.L.D''  i keep my face straight and looks down at the paper, i grab it and read the paper

''If you join you will already enter as a level 8 agent, you where very important for S.H.I.E.L.D in the old days and now you have a chance to do it again'' 

''What if i don't want to?'' i will must likely say yes i just want to test the waters 

''Well you will walk out of here empty handed and the letters that i have from Agent Carter and Howard Stark will burn'' my eyes go wide , he can't do that, i sigh and grab a pen, i sign the papers and Fury gets up he goes to a wall and puts his and on a certain place, the wall open and he takes out a box 

''How do you know about me and Peggy'' i ask, the only people who are suppost to know where probably in the 50, Fury looks at me and gives me his signature smirk 

''Well Y/n i know a lot of things and this is just one more'' i look down and scoff, he hands me the box and i see that in the top it's written 'For when you come back' with Peggy letter , i run my thumb over it...she waited for me to come back.

I open the door to my room and Sumo comes excited to me ''Hey buddy'' i put the box in my lap while i sit down on the bed, i look at it trying to get the courage to open the box... Peggy and Howard would want me to open this, i slowly open the box and see some letters favorite chocolate, crunchies i feel my eyes water i grab the chocolate and see a letter attached to it ''our favorite chocolate sissy'' i immediately smile, ''i miss you so much Howard'' 

i put the chocolate down i grab one of the letters and see at it's from Howard ''You are really stupid Y/n, god what are you doing, the love of your life just lost you'r baby and you leave her alone? sometimes you can be a complete asshole... i miss you Y/n me and Peggy are afraid that you might never come back, and little Tony misses his aunty...aunty, that was his first words Y/n'' i sigh 

''You're right Howard...i should have been there''i put the letter aside and grab another letter, i open it ''Hello my love it's been two days since you went looking for revenge...god Y/n i miss you so much, i can imagine you not coming back to me, you need to come back to me Y/n...i can't lose myself, you should now that an eye for an eye and the world goes blind my love my look for revenge when you could be here with me?'' i feel a single tear escape my eyes, i'm sorry i'm so sorry Peggy, i grab another letter 

''My dear Y/n every week that goes on and i don't see your angelic face i get more worried... things have been hard around here i feel alone, the house seems so empty i wish i could here you play the piano just one more time...i love you so much'' i sob uncontrollably, i read more and more of Peggy's letter by the years, she always hoped i would come home to her, i should have never left her alone i should have gone to the ground with her.

Time skip 

This past few weeks i have been working a lot for S.H.I.E.L.D and for the avengers, me, Wanda and Pietro have been killing it at small missions, Pietro and Wanda remember me of a younger verson of me and Howard, they are smart...well Wanda is smart, and they have such a strong bond that in it self is a very powerfull thing, right now i'm teaching them both hand on hand combat

''Come on Wanda just put Pietro down'' Wanda and Pietro are figthing each other, Pietro has a smirk on his face 

''Come on Y/n do you really think she can take ME down'' Pietro get's distracted by talking to me and Wanda takes that  opportunity and kicks Pietro in the nuts making him fall into the ground in pain, i groan just imagining his pain 

''Ouch, good one Wanda'' she smiles at me proudly , i walk over to Pietro anf help him get up ''Now you know Pietro never get distracted'' he nods his head and walks away in pain leaving me and Wanda alone 

''You think he's gonna be ok?'' Wanda says looking over me talking about her brother 

''Sure, it hurts a lot but he's gonna be ok'' i see that Wanda looks kinda away from the earth ''What's on your mind?'' Wanda looks at me and thinks about what should she say

''I-it's nothing really'' i don't really belive her but i'm not gonna push her to talk

''Ok... if you ever need to talk Wanda i'm here Wanda'' she smiles and walks away, i walk over to my watter bottle and drink water 

''You really are a good teacher'' i look at Tony leaning on the wall with a smirk on his face 

''Oh really, uhm would never guess... i mean i did teach you how to make must of yout things'' he scoffs

''You weren't even here'' i walk over to him 

''But it was my paper my diary that you read so you could know all of those things...i'm glad i did that diary so you could learn all this stuff'' we both look around the room looking at all the technology 

''Yeah me and dad gave me everything i needed to make my empire'' i smile at Tony 

''Stark Industries has gonne through a lot'' Tony nods his head slowly  ''Have you talked with Pepper?'' Tony looks down 

''No...'' i sigh and put a hand on his shoulder making him look up at me 

''Tony you  need to talk to her, don't let your ego geet the better of you, if you lose her you will lose a piece of you... i know you love her, so don't let her go''Taony doesn't say anything only nods ''go on what are you waiting for go get your girl'' Tony looks at me confused 

''Right no-'' i interrupt him 

''Yes NOW'' i push him out of the room and he runs away, i laugh softly and train some more.

After dinner i stay in my room reading a book until i hear a desperate knock on the door, i get up and open the door which on the other side i Maria when she sees me she breaks down and starts to cry, i quickly hug her and bring her to my room, we got in the floor somehow, Maria face is buried in my neck while she cried and i whisper sweet things to her while caressing her hair ''Hey it's ok i'm here for you Maria'' i kiss the top of her head ''please tell me what happend'' she sobs but manages to say 

''It was M-mark he-he cheated and then-'' she sobs a bit more and i hold her even tighter ''he yelled at me'' i'm gonna cut his dick off , i give up but Maria grabs my arm making me look at her ''where are you going?''

''To cut his dick of'' she shakes her head 

''No no please just stay here'' i think for a moment...i can't leave her alone...not again, i sink down to my knees and grab her huggin her just like we where before, she sobs a bit more but after a while all i hear a quiet snore, i carefully pick her up and put her on my bed i put the covers over her so she is warm, i change my shirt into a more comfortable one, i lay on my bed and try to keep my distance from Maria, i don't know if she would be comfortable with me near he-i feel two arms around my chest i look down and see Maria sleeping peacefully, i put my arm around her carefully, i take a deep breath and close my eyes.

Hello guys so i'm feeling like shit, my other book got deleted and i feel really sad and hopeless like i put so much time and work on that book just for it to be deleted, and my brother just make fun of me or writing a fanfic which made me feel even more like shit, i feel like this books isn't that good and that i'm just disappointing you guys, sorry for just rambling.

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