Ch. 33

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I grab Maria's body brining her sleepy self closer to me ''I love you'' i say still half asleep

''Me too'' she says lowly 

''Did you know that bread comes from trees?'' i'm not  sure what am i saying i just know that i'm sleeping so good...for a moment it's silent 

''What?'' Maria says confused

''Yeah...walkie talkie.'' i hear Maria laugh softly 

''Sleep well baby''. that's the last thing i hear for the rest of the night.

I slowly open my eyes and go to give Maria a morning kiss but then i see that her side of the bed is empty, i rub my eyes and get up to go to the bathroom. I do my  morning business and then call Kara to ask her if Sumo is being a good boy.

''So how is my boy?'' i say walking slowly to the kitchen which i suppose Mariais at 

''He is good, right now he is playing with Alice'' i laugh a bit knowing  how much Alice loves dogs ''But well tell me how is miss Hill treating you?'' i laugh and see that Maria is cooking breakfast just in her panties and my shirt

''Uhm...just marvelous'' i bite my lip not hearing what Kara is saying because i'm to distracted looking at Maria ''Kara i have to go i will call you later'' i say cutting her off, i then hag up and walk to Maria, i try to put my arms around her waist but she quickly spins me around and put's my face on the counter and my arm but ''OUCH MARIA'' i say, Maria quickly let's me go when she sees that it's just me 

''Oh my god, i'm so sorry baby'' i grab my sure jaw and Maria gives me a kiss which makes me forgett what she jsut did 

''It's ok baby'' Maria still looks guilty 

''Why the hell would you even do that to me you know me'' she says grabing my face to see if she hurt me, i grab her hands softly and kiss them 

''I'm sorry my love i just wanted to be romantic'' i say softly, she sighs and i smile a bit bringing her to a kiss ''So what are you cooking it smeels good'' she now has a big smile on her face 

''It's some pancakes with melted caramel and some apple juice'' i feel my mouth water a big just hearing that 

''I want it so bad'' i say with a soft smile, Maria laughs and  leads me to the chair 

''Sit here while i get the pancakes'' i nod and grab the apple juice and pour it to me and Maria 

''Oh no i'm going to drink coffee'' i nod and start to drink from her cup 

''More for me'' i quickly drink the whole juice, god i really like apple.


Right now me and Maria are just eating and GOD DAMN this pancakes are A M A Z I N G ''So...i was thinking about us going to the beach...'' Maria raises a eyebrow 

''Why are you talking like that if it's only a beach'' god this woman knows me so well 

'''s a nude beach'' Maria goes to say something but i quickly jump in ''Wait wait before you can say anything i just wanted o let you know that i love you so much and that you love me also'' Maria shakes her head with a small smirk 

''Oh god Y/n...ok BUT if i see one woman and i mean one woman look at you in a different way i will chop of some boobs'' i laugh and nod 

''Yes commander.'' i say saluting her.


We have just gotten to the beach and i can already see so many naked women 's, i lay down my towel with my clothes still on, i then look up to see Maria taking off her clothes , i bite my lip and slowly take of my shirt, Maria smirks at me and takes off her panies which was the only thing left on her body, i groan seing her body, i take off my pants and then slowly my boxers letting my half hard dick free, Maria bites her lips and comes closer to me, she grabs my face and kisses me while runing her hand on my chest which makes my dick even harder 

''Why are you so hard baby?'' she says with a smirk, i take a deep breart trying to calm down and say

''Because you are so fucking sexy, i will never get enough of you'r body'' Maria groans when i grab her ass squeezing it ''Come on let's take a swim'' i say taking Maria's hand. 

While we walk to the water i can already see a buch of woman look at my dick i even hear a blonde woman with a russian accent say ''Wow that's a big dick'' i laughed while Maria glarded at her. 

I swim around with Maria by my side, when we came back up for air she says ''I swear i saw a fish look at you'r dick'' i laugh loudly and say 

''Oh of course''.


I eat my sandwich while drinking my juice next to Maria who is putting sunscreen on me ''You do know i'm a super soldier with super powers rigth? i don't think a sun burn would kill me'' Maria keeps putting sunscreen on me 

''Sure, but you can never be to careful.'' 

A woman passes by us and stares at me and then looks at my face and smirks ''Hey cutie'' she says, i only look back at Maria while taking a sip o my juice ''I'm sure we can get out of here and have some fun'' oh, Maria get's up but not before giving me a kiss who takes my breath away 

''She already has someone to have a lot of fun with'' the girl scoffs and looks at me 

''Does this rag speaks for you'' oh she did not, i get up and slowly walk up to her, i look down at her and say

''Yeah, i don't really like to talk with whore, so she does it for me, i really do love my girlfriend.'' i say with a smrik, the girl scoffs and walks away 

''That's right you little cunt'' Maria says which makes me laugh, she then grabs my arms and spins me around and kisses me 

''Let's go home.''

When me and Maria got home we had crazy jealous sex and it was a.m.a.z.i.n.g.

Right now i'm just laying in bed after us taking a shower, i then hear my phone ring, i look at it and see that it's Tony, i pick it up and say 

''Hey Junior'' 

''I asked Pepper if she would marry me'' i quickly sit down 

''You did what? did she say yes?'' i say Maria come in the room 

''Yes yes she said yes, Y/n in two weeks i'm getting married'' i almost choked on my on spit 

''Oh wow Tony, my BOY IS GETTING MARRIED'' Maria's eyes widen she quickly grabs her phone and checks her messages which she sees messages from Pepper 

''Yes yes i am'' he says laughing excited, i laugh a bit and say 

''Me and Maria will have to cut out vacation short but it's okay...god i can't belive it''

''Me too i tough she would say no to be honest.'' i laugh and say 

''Me too Tony...hey i have to go now but i will call you later, go on and take care of Pepper she is one of a kind, bye love you'' Tony laughs a bit and says

''Yeah love you too...Wait what did you say--'' i quickly hang up and look at Maria who still looks shocked

''We have a wedding to go to.''

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now