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I look at the big green Bruce is really Hulk? are they two people now? '' Come on, I feel like I'm the only one eating'' he pushes a plate to me ''Try some of that. Have some eggs, you look skinny Y/n'' i shake my head slowly not really feeling hungry

''I'm so confused.'' Scott says looking at Bruce 

''These are confusing times.'' Bruce quickly says 

''Right. No, no, that's not what I meant.'' Scott says 

'' No, I get it. I'm kidding! I know. It's crazy. I'm wearing shirts now.'' Bruce says 

'' Yeah! Wh...How? Why?'' Scott says trying to understand 

''Five years ago, we got our asses beaten. Except it was worse for me. Because I lost twice. First, Hulk lost, then Banner lost. Then, we all lost.'' i nod but quickly say 

''No one blamed you, Bruce.'' 

 ''I did. For years, I've been treating the Hulk like he's some kind of disease, something to get rid of. But then I started looking at him as the cure. Eighteen months in a gamma lab. I put the brains and the brawn together. And now look at me. Best of both worlds...'' suddently three children come up behind Bruce 

''Excuse me, Mr. Hulk?'' the young girl says

''Yes?'' Bruce says with a smile

''Can we get a photo?'' the girl asks

''100%, little person. Come on, step up'' he hands the phone to Scott ''You mind?''  Scott gets in a good position '' Thanks'' he says to Scott '' Say green!'' he and the children all say green Scott takes the picture '' Did you get that?'' Scott nods and holds the girls phone  

''Don't you wanna grab one with me? I'm Ant-Man, they're Hulk fans, they don't know Ant-Man. Nobody does'' Scott says making me share a look with Nat 

''Wait, no, no, he feels bad. No, he wants you to...he wants to...[to one of the boys] You want to take a picture with him, right?'' Bruce says, the boy shakes his head 

''He's even saying no he doesn't. I get it. I don't want it either.'' Scott quickly says 

'' But, come on, the kid! But he...but you...'' Bruce says 

''I don't want a picture with them.'' Oh for the love of god, i grab the phone from Scott hand give it to the girl 

''Here'' i take 20 dollars from my wallet and give it to them ''Go grab some ice cream bye'' the kids take it and quickly walk away ''About what we were talking'' Bruce nods 

''Right...The whole time travel do-over? Guys, it's outside my area of expertise.'' i sigh and hit my hands on the tabke getting up 

''Y/n'' i hear Natasha say, i go to my car and wait outside for them, after a couple more minutes they all come out of the dinner Natasha walks to me and quickly hugs me 

''I know you're frustrated but Banner is going to help us'' i sigh and hug her a little bit harder 

''Thank you Natasha'' she laughs softly pulling away 

''Don't thank me thank Bruce'' i shake my head softly 

''No no, not about never gave up on me in this five years even tho i have been having problems'' Natasha smiles softly

''That's what best friends are for'' i smirk and nod.


I'm in my lab and itds late at night, i  studied Quantum Physics when i was in college, my dad was so proud of me, my family was always poor, so me and Howard going to this big,wealthy  University was a really good thing for my family.

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