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I wake up early well i did barely sleep i had to much on my head ultron, the twins , Maria... Maria she really yes beautiful , she has a great smile and her eyes are so captivating.

I get up and take Sumo on a walk before taking him to day care since we probably are going after Ultron , on my way backm to the tower i see Steve and Maria ''Good mornign Y/n'' Steve says noticing me walking to them 

''Good morning Steve... Maria'' i give her a friendly smile 

''We where just about to met with the team to discuss how we are gonna take Ultron wanna come with us?'' I nod my head and take my eyes off Maria 

''Sure let's go'' we get into a elevater , and get out at the living room which is destroyed 

''He's all over the globe. Robotics labs, weapons facilities, jet propulsion labs, reports of a metal man, or men, coming in and emptying the place.'' Maria says talking about Ultron

 ''Fatalities?'' Steve says while i listen to what Maria says 

''Only when engaged. Mostly guys left in a fugue state going on about old memories, worst fears, and something too fast to see.''

 ''Maximoffs. Well, that makes sense he'd go to them, they have someone in common.'' i Say looking at Maria 

 ''Not anymore.'' i raise an eyebrown and she hands me a tablet , who shows a photo of Strucker's dead body with the word PEACE written in blood on the wall next to him, i sigh and we walk to the lab  where i see Clint  in the hallway 

''Barton, we might have something.'' i say to him 

 ''Gotta go.'' Clint tells the other person on the line 

 ''Who was that?'' i asks with a smirk


''Oh ok you have to tell me about her later'' he laughs and we walk to the lab where the rest of the team is , i hand Thor the tablet Maria gave me

''What's this?'' Tony asks confused 

''A message. Ultron killed Strucker.'' I hear Steve say behind me , Thor slaps the tablet on Tony stomach , i send him a glare 

 ''And he did a Banksy at the crime scene, just for us.'' Tony says looking at the tablet 

''This is a smokescreen. Why send a message when you've just given a speech?'' Natasha says beside me 

 ''Strucker knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss.'' Steve says looking at her 

 ''Yeah, I bet he...''Natasha looks at the computer moniter and says ''Yep. Everything we had on Strucker has been erased.'' i sigh 

 ''Not everything.'' Tony says. 

After hours of looking into old files i hear Steve say 

''Known associates. Well, Strucker had a lot of friends.''

 ''Well, these people are all horrible.'' Briuce says 

 ''Wait. I know that guy.'' Banner passes him the photo he was looking at ''From back in the day. He operates off the African coast, black market arms.''  i  gives him an accusing look ''There are conventions, alright? You meet people, I didn't sell him anything... He was talking about finding something new, a game changer, it was all very Ahab."

Thor points to the scar on the back of Klaue's neck ''What's this?''

 ''Uh, it's a tattoo. I don't think he had it...'' i point at the thing in his eck and say 

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now