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Every thing happend so fast, Wanda exploded that building--i-i can't remember much only her crying and Pietro being there,i just know that what Rumlow told me asn't get out of my head...and that's why am here...

I enter the room and see...her, the woman who chanded my life, i immediately start to sob, i run to her and hug her waist which seems to scare her a bit ''i'm sorry,i'm so sorry Peggy i should have never left, please please forgive me,please'' i sob into her waist harder, i then feel two hand lift bup my face,Peggy stares at me in disbelieve

''I tough i would never see you again'' many more tears leave my eyes as i hear her angelic voice once more ''Why did you decide to come visit me now?'' she asks with a confused look 

''I tough you were dead  Margaret, i-i-i didn't know ok, i'm sorry i should have looked for you'' i sob harder ''i'm so dumb'' i shove my face on her chest once again crying, i feel her soft hand on my hair, moving up and down on my scalp something she used to do which always mae me feel calmer ''Ple-please forgive me, i should have never left'' i lift my head up to look at her 

''Forgive what Y/n'' she says softly ''i forgave you the moment you walked out of the door of our was hard but i knew our love was bigger'' suddently she starts to cough, i get up and grab a cup a water for her, then when i turn back her face has chanded, she looks shocked ''Y/n'' a single tear leaves her eye ''it's been so long, it was so horrendous, i missed you every day'' i start to cry harder, the nurse told me...dementia disorders grouped under the general term "dementia" are caused by abnormal brain changes. These changes trigger a decline in thinking skills, also known as cognitive abilities, severe enough to impair daily life and independent function. They also affect behavior, feelings and relationships.

I think i lost her for good.

Back at the compound 

I sit on a bath which is full of ice, its a old technique i used when i felt like i was gonna explode...Peggy is alive, but for how much longer , the nurse told me her dementia as gotten worse...they say it can the her last moment at any time...

I then hear the door from the dark room i am in open, i open my eyes and see Maria walk to me and   kneels beside  me ''Y/n what one has seen you for 7 hours since you guys came back'' i look at Maria for a moment not saying anything but then i close my eyes again and the memory of Peggy comes back, how she was in that fragile, i never tough i would see  Margaret Elizabeth Carter in that state. ''Y/n please talk to me...'' Maria says in a soft voice , i keep my silence ''i nee--Wanda needs you right now'' i'm not gonna lie and say that the mencion of Wanda didn't want to make me open my eyes...but she's got Pietro and all the other guys ''Come on please'' i sigh and turn my head to the other side of the room 

''Ok...if ut's like that it's like that'' i feel Maria get up and get out of the room , i open my eyes and i feel tears falling down. its been a couple more hours and right now am in my room with Sumo just thinking about things...i shouldn't have beem rude to Maria i just-- i take a deep breath.

Seeing Peggy as brought me many memorys and i have no one to talk about it, i do't want to bother Kara with this and am surely not talking to Nick Fury about my almost dead girlfriend, i then hear my phone ring i look down and i see that it's Kara, i pick up ''Hey Kara i was just thinking about you'' i say with a soft laugh 

''Yeah, hey...uhm Y/n i just got the call...Victoria is dead...she was found on a coner of a street she had an sorry'' how--i-she

i fall down into my bed ''i-can-can you make her a funeral...i know her family doesn't give a shit'' i feel my eyes get wet

''Yeah Y/n i can but--'' before she can finish i quickly say 

''Ok thank you'' i then hang up. 

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now