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Me,Steve,Tony and Bucky just landed on Secretary Ross house ''Kara you are just an angel, thank you for this information, this will make Ross hear us'' i say with a smirk while looking around Ross big house...i hate his decor

''You're welcome Y/n, anything for my favorite super soldier, now go on and kick Ross ass...make me proud Y/n'' i smile and quickly say

''Oh i will'' i hang up the phone and look back that the guys ''Hey let's go find this asshole'' i walk around Ross house until we get to his backyard, we see him shirtless laying down getting some sun...mother fucker while we where killing each other he was here ''Well hello Ross it's a sunny day isn't it'' Ross quickly jumps us and looks at us nervously, he clears his throat 

''Stark,...'' he looks at Bucky and Steve ''I see that you accomplished you'r mission, but why are you my house'' i laugh bitterly ''You see Ross you where wrong, Bucky did not kill king T'chaka but he didn't it was Zemo a guy who lost his wife and kid...he wanted revenge on the Avengers, but he knew that he couldn't kill he turned us aginst each other...Ross the deal is over'' Ross laughs and says

''No no you can't just say it like that you signed the deal it's over, half of the Avengers are criminals, Y/n that man killed you'r baby, he ruined you'r life.'' i look at Bucky for a moment 

''Yes i know...i won't ever forget, but i also know that it wasn't really him it was HYDRA, HYDRA made him do it, does this mean i forgive him? no, no, but i know what we the Avengers are doing is more important then  what feelings i have for him'' i say with poiting my finger to my chest, Ross looks nervous but he knows how to hide it...but not well enough ''You know Ross one time a wise men told me 'Revenge is a fool's game' that's why when i came back i didn't go look for Bucky, Ross i don't like you one bit, you're a mother fucker who want's control over every one, but you won't ahve control over the Avengers over Wanda or Pietro, you won't make them you'r wepon'' Ross looks at me and then starts laughing 

''Do you really think you have some type of power over me? you are just ridiculous, Y/n i win i have the power i can destroy, if i press a button over 5000 soldiers will come here arrest you, you have nothing on me'' Me and Tony smirk

''Oh Ross you should never say that to my aunt...she has the dirty on everyone'' i smirk 

''Oh come on what can you guys have on me'' Steve looks at me and says 

''Should we tell him'' i nod with a smirk still on my face 

''Sure i think it's time...but first Ross you will break the deal and you will fire yourself and never  put again put you'r nose on Avengers bussines again'' Ross scoffs and shakes his head while laughing lowly 

''You really are manic Y/n, why in one milion years would i do that'' he says walking to me, i get closer to him until we're face to face 

''Well because i don't think the government of US would like to know about you and you'r connection with HYDRA, how you are trying to bring a new HYDRA ad working  with the criminals from the FBI most wanted list'' Ross looks scared

''Well and how would you know, you don't have any proof'' i laugh and say 

''I think you'r wife would disagree, she told us everything we have photos and videos of you Ross'' Ross tumbles back 

''No they will never belive you...'' he laughs ''I will rebuild a new HYDRA and no one will know whats coming, HAIL HYDRA'' i laugh and look around 

''Thank for giving me what i want Ross'' Soldiers come out of the bush and from the inside of the house Rhodey and some goverment guy come to us 

''Commander John'' i say looking at the guy who is looking at Ross with disgust 

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