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Guys blow up my commets please :)

Right now me and Natasha are in a video call with Rocket, Nebula,Carol, Rhodey and Okoye. Natasha cuts her peanut butter sandwich in half '' Yeah, we boarded that highly suspect warship Danvers pinged.'' Rocket says 

''it was an infectious garbage scowl.''  Nebula says, Rocket turns to Carol and says 

''So, thanks for the hot tip'' he says

''Well, you were closer.'' Carol says 

'' Yeah. And now we smell like garbage.'' Rocket says complaining

''You get a reading on those tremors?'' Natasha says looking at Okoye 

''It was a mild subduction under the African plate.'' Okoye says, to be honest i'm not really payint attention to the metting...i'm just staring blankly into nothing

''Do we have a visual? How are we handling it?'' Natasha says 

''Nat, it's an earthquake under the ocean. We handle it by not handling it.'' Okoye says back 

''Carol, are we seeing you here next month?'' Natasha says hopeful

''Not likely.'' she says 

''What, you gonna get another haircut?'' Rocket says making Carol a bit angry

''Listen fur-face, I'm covering a lot of territory. The things that are happening on Earth, are happening everywhere, on thousands of planets.'' she says making Rocket think twice about what he said 

''All right, all right, that's a good point. That's a good point.'' Rocket says lowly

''So you might not see me for a long time.'' she says now looking at me, i haven't said a word since the meeting began 

''Alright. Uh, well. This channel is always active. So, if anything goes sideways... anyone's making trouble where they shouldn't... comes through me.''

They all agree and leave the call but Rhodey stays, Natasha sits down and takes a deep breath 

''Where are you?'' Natasha asks Rhodey

''Mexico. The Federales found a room full of bodies. Looks like a bunch of cartel guys. Never even had the chance to get their guns off.'' Rhodey says cathing my attention

''It's probably a rival gang.'' Nat says

 ''Except it isn't...It's definitely Barton. What he's done here, what he's been doing for the last few years... I mean, the scene that he left...I gotta tell you, there's a part of me that doesn't even want to find him.'' i see Nat tear up making me sad for her 

''Will you find out where he's going next?'' Natasha asks taking a bite of her sandwich

''Nat...'' Rhodey says 

''Please'' Natasha says withteary eyes

''Ok...'' Rhodey says lowly before leaving the call, i turn to Natasha and say

''I'm sorry Nat...i know i can be a lot of trouble now and you have so much things on your head right now'' i say feeling like a burden, Natasha quickly shakes her head

''No no Y/n, don't talk like that don't talk like you are a burden'' i shake my head clenching my jaw 

''Well i certainly feel like one...sometimes i wish i was dusted away with would be best for everyone'' Natasha scoffs

''No it woulnd't Y/n, i would be worse then i am, seeing it or not Y/n having you here helps me a lot, and can you imagine how little Morgan would be without you?'' i stay quiet and then we hear Steve 

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