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Guys this took me hours to make and my head is killing me but i still wrote this because i know you guys like it when i update fast so can you pretty please blow up my comments, enjoy the new chapter.


I try to call Wanda and it goes to voicemail same with Pietro...i guess they are mad at me, or mad at what is happening, i decide to leave a voicemail '''s Y/n but you already know that, i just wanted to check if you and you'r brother are ok and if you guys have had dinner...i know things are a bit messy with us but i still care for both of you deeply...just be carefull please and remember you can't control their fear only you'rs'' i end the voice mail and sigh 

''are you ok Y/n Peter aks beside me?'' i nod and clear my throat 

''Yeah Peter i had little time but me and Tony made you a suit'' i take a suit case of bellow my seat in the air plane and give it to him, Peter seems so excited, he slowly opens the suit case and then he squeaks in excitement 

''Oh my GOD THIS IS AWESOMEEEE'' Peter jumps up happy ''can i try it now'' i laugh and nod, Peter runs to the bathroom before i can say anything more, i lean back on my seat and close my eyes...everything is happening so fast...Lagos, Victoria, Peggy and now Peter is going to fight with the Avengers....i feel like i'm failing everyone...Wanda dn Pietro they shouldn't be in this they are only kids and the piece of shit that Steve is going to make them fight, i haven't talked to Maria since we went to Queens and god i miss her voice.

Tony suddently walks out of the room in the plane ''Wanda and Pietro just escaped'' my eyes widen 

''What'' i ask leaning foward 

''Clint he took a break from his retirement to help cap'' i scoff 

''I said that we shoulnd't keep Wanda and Pietro inside'' Tony sits down 

''And what the fuck did you wanted me to do let them be outside where people are afraid of them, Y/n they are dan--'' before Tony can finish i get up and say 

''Don't you dare to finish that sentence if THEY are dangerous so AM I they are fucking kids Tony just like Peter who we just involve in this mess OUR mess'' i say getting in Tony's face, he sighs and leans back on his seat, i sit down and run a hand on my face 

''So what's the plan?'' Peter comes from the bathroom in his suit 

''Y/n look at this'' he shots webs from his suit and almost hits my face 

''Oh wow be carefull Pet'' he çaughs and sit's down taling his mask off 

''So we need to go over the plans'' Tony says looking at Peter, Peter nods ''So when we get to Germany T'challa,Natasha and Rhodey will be there waiting for us we will coner Cap and his team and we will try and talk to them so that they give up and come to us...'' me and Peter nod 

''And if they don't?'' i ask 

''If they don't we will have plan B which will consist of Peter taking Cap shield our main goal is making them give up, if they don't we will have no choice up attack them and take then to a prison'' i clench my jaw 

''Why a prison and where'' Tony sighs 

''Because Ross said so and it' the middle of the ocean'' i scoff and turn my head around ''i'm sorry Y/n but this is their choice''.


We are all in the airportTony flys up when he sees Steve trying to get to a helicopter Rhodey flys next to him and they land in front of Cap ''Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?'' Tony says mocking Steve 

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