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Guys you NEED to listen to Roslyn by Bom ibrr and St. Vincent while reading the first part of the chapter, trust me on this one ;) also blow up my comments please. Enjoy the chapter :)

I take of my suit carefully to not hurt myself but i still do it ''Shit'' my body is full of cuts and bruises, i then feel two hands help me take of my suit, i look back and see Maria i sigh and she immediately hug me 

''How are you...'' she asks rubing the back of my neck, i stuff my face on her neck letting her vanilla, Amber, Musk and Vetiver perfume hit my nome, call me weird for knowing the exact smell of her perfume but god it just smells so good i love it so much

''I feel like shit'' i say pulling back from her neck ''i just want to lay in bed until things get better'' Maria thumb runs over my cheek ''I-Maria, Wanda she--'' i close my eyes for e moment ''she hates me, she probably thinks i betrayed her'' Maria kisses my head softly 

''But you didn't, you did the right thing for you and for her, this deal might sound bad but it may bring some good things Y/n'' i nod slowly 

''I sure hope so, or i'm gonna kill Ross myself...They are putting them in a prison Maria i watched them put a collar on Wanda a COLLAR like she's a dog and on Pietro to...i hate myself for not doing anything''  Maria made me sit on the bed while she went and grabed the first med kit.

Maria jabed some alcohol on a pice of cotton in my cuts amking me groan ''ouch''

''Sorry...'' she says softly, i look down at her face...she looks just beautiful when she's concentrated...are we dating? or are we just fuck budies? i woulnd't say so but at the same time i haven't asked her to be my girlfriend...

''Maria do you want to be my girlfriend'' i say not thinking twice, Maria immediately stops what she's doing and looks up 

''What?...'' i grab her hands 

''Well i really like you and i don't like someone so strong since Peggy i-i think i'm ready to move on and have a real relationship'' Maria let's go of my hands and looks at me serious 

''Y/n do you think or are you sure, because i really like you to but i can'tbe with a person who is still not over their ex i'm-i'm not gonna play myself again'' i look up and then down, i grab the ring that's around my neck and lot at it for a while before saying 

''Pegy gave me this ring...and i'm never trowing it out, Peggy will always be a part of me Maria and i can't just say that she now means nothign to me...she meant the world and more but...she's gone and now you're here i'm not saying this like you're a replacement, no you aren''re a new begining a new era i wanna spend every hour of the day beside you and our work might not let that happend but i know we will do our best because, god i can't spend another minute without calling you mine.'' Maria looks at me for a moment at them pushes down me the bed and get on my lap kissing me, i push my tongue on her mouth and put my hands on her hips squeezing them slightly, i pull back and for a moment just stare at her 

''What...'' she asks with a silly smile

''I think i'm falling hard for you...'' Maria smiles and pulls me back for a kiss but this time a slow and soft kiss 

''Yes...'' i look at her confused for a moment 

''Yes what?'' Maria laughs hard and pecks my lips again 

''I will be you'r girlfriend'' My eyes widen and i jump a bit excited, Maria falls down on my chest laughing, i grab Maria face and kiss her softly, this time it's not just a kiss with lust or want it' and caring and appreciation, i want to wake up every morning  and go to sleep with this one by my side, she is so much more than i could ask, i waant to be there for when she is sad or happy for when she is having the wrost day of her life or when she just got the best news, i want to be there to fix the car she has since she was 19 and i want to be there to by a house with her...i'm gonna do everything to see her smile. 

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now