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Guys read the chapter while listening to  The Wisp Sings, like really do it makes it better

''A long, long time ago, i can still remember , how that music used to make me smile'' i put the volume louder and put some salt and some more seasoning in the chicken ''and i knew if i had my chance, That i could make those people dance, and maybe they be happy for a while'' i put the chicken in the pan  ''But February made me shiver, with every paper i'd deliver. Bad news on the doorstep, i couldn't take one more step.'' i cought a bit feeling my chest burt ''I can't remember if I cried ,When I read about his widowed bride, Something touched me deep inside, The day the music died'' i start to dacne a bit still feeling my body burn ''So, bye bye, Miss America pie. Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry,and them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye , singin', "This'll be the day that I die, this'll be the day that I die" i sing the last part lowly feeling some truth to it.

It's been three days and until now no one found situation is only getting worse i feel myself get a tired a bit more everyday ''How do you know that song?'' i hear Natasha say behind me, i turn to her with my pale face, i now have very dark circles around my eyes and i barely have any strength

''Oh this is a classic Natasha'' i grab her hands and start to dance with her ''So bye bye, Miss America pie. Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levve was dry and them good ol' boys were drinking' whiskey and rye, singing 'this will be the day that i die, this will be the day that i die'' we both sing together dancing on the kitchen until i feel my chest tighten, i let go of Natasha arm and feel myself fall to the ground but Natasha got be before i could fall 

''Hey hey here'' Natasha grabs a syringe and injects it to my arm, i feel my eyes get heavier 

''So, bye-bye, Miss American Pie,drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry, and them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye,singin', "This'll be the day that I die, this'll be the day that I die..." i sing out of energy while falling a sleep on Natasha arms.


I feel myself wake up slowly hearing voices on my room ''So what happend'' Maria worried voice asks 

''She-she had another's happening more often Maria'' with my eyes very slightly open i see Maria wipe a tear from her eye 

''We have to find something...anything Natsha i-i can't lose her when i just got her back'' Natasha hugs Maria and i hear Maria cry softly on her shoulde.


I open my eyes again...i guess i fell asleep, i try to move but i feel a body next to mine holding me close, i look to my side and see Peter ''Who gos kid'' i feel my eyes start to water, i didn't want him to see me like this.

I caress Peter head softly while he sleeps i haven't dared to move, he seems like he's having a good dream, his eyes open slowly ''Hello'' i say softly, Peter smiles 

''Good morning...or is it morning'' i laugh a bit and say 

''To be honest i don't really know'' i grab my phone and see that's 6:23 pm ''I just it really isn't morning...come on let's get something to eat.'' me and Peter get up i go to the bathroom to clean my face and see that my veins are now blacker then ever, i sigh and leave the bathroom.


''Nah i don't think so, you know i kinda understand Abby, Joel did kill her father'' Peter scoffs 

''I don't care, she killed the Joel and now Ellie is all crazy going after Abby'' i laugh and we finally get to the kitchen when we get there i see Maria, Tony who seems like he asn't sleep forever, Pepper,Natasha, Wanda and Pietro they seems they are having a big discussion

"When Does It End" (Maria Hill/GipReader)Where stories live. Discover now