chapter 26

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"I am not the purest as to think I am , even I have dirt on me to the point that I don't even want to think about it. " she said as she pulled away from loki and got settled back on the swing as loki again kneeled infront of her , "you don't need to tell me a.." loki started only to be cut of by a kalila shaking her head , "I want to tell you ...I want to remove that curtain of my purity  from your eyes . " kalila said while sniffing and loki just stayed silent even though he wanted to assure her that he would never feel that she was in anyway unpure no matter what she told him, "when I was a kid,  I don't even remember what my age would have been there were some people whom I knew well , I was a very friendly type of child and I used to talk to everyone , the thing was ..I don't know how to put this in words but there was this neighbor or to say more he was even our relative who you know just got me into some sexual act which I didn't had any idea about what it was, I didn't even knew what was happening with me but I seemed to just not care about it much , I never told anyone about it cause he said it was our friends secret and my stupid mind couldn't register how big of a mistake I had did,  that wasn't the only thing there was another guy who also did this sexual thing with me , lucky things never went to me losing my virginity but still there were things I did as of a playful mind that I still hate myself for,  you know I have a clear thing against blowjob and it's because I did it once as a child and still now when I think of it I just feel like I killing my self , it's not like these things happened only till when I was a kid it happened even sometimes after I became a teenager and it was done by people I still see faces of and that makes me hate myself even more,  I try to convince myself that it was all a childish mind work but how can I ever get into such things what if something happened that would totally destroy me not only me what would my parents feel if they ever hear about this , I was the wrong one to indulge in all this act why do I make my parents sinner too ?" kalila just started to sob as she just hid her face in her hand and loki sat there in front of her stunned at what she had just told him . "my parents were right to keep me away from everyone cause if I got close to anyone I don't know what the results would have been , they were right to keep me in a confined space and with confined freedom . " kalila mumbled to herself while loki just felt really bad for her  , "it's wasn't your mistake you were not a mature minded and they clearly sexually harrassed you. I swear I am gonna kill every of those assholes who even thought of doing something like that to you. I will make them pay ." loki said determined as he got up with his hand bawled into a tight fist so tight that his knuckles were turning white  , "no loki no." kalila begged as she grabbed loki's hand looked at him with swollen eyes , he looked back at her while gritting his teeth and just frowning,  "let me kalila it's really not right to  just let then get away  with what they did ." loki said as he placed a hand over kalia , kalila laughed an empty sad laugh that could be detected very easily and this only made Loki even more frustrated,  "who all will you kill ?" kalila asked him with a maniac smile and loki just clenched his fist , "all of them." he replied with venom in his voice and kalila just smiled , "and do you think that will get me at ease ?" she asked him while the hand that was holding loki fell down and kalila just looked down at her hands which were on her lap , loki sighed to calm himself down, before again crouching infront of her and taking her hands in his and holding them tightly in his hand . he smiled at her and then started to speak , "atleast that would get you some justice ." loki answered while kalila just shook her head in a no while she had  hiccups ever now and then , "that won't, it was not only there mistake even I have dragged people into it , I knew that wasn't right but I did it and if you do something this secret of mine which I have been hiding for years will surely come out and what will happen to all the thing my father did to get a good image in society, I can't let everything go to ruins because of something I did in the past . I am okay with the way things are I don't need anything. " she stated as she just sobbed while loki just stayed silent to let her get it all out of herself.  "and what about the fact that you are still suffering and the fact that it wasn't even your mistake , you were child for god's sake!" loki exclaimed with his eyes wide,  "I am used to it ." she answered while sniffing and loki just shook his head violently before cupping her face in his hand , "you don't have to be okay with it , you don't have to suffer like this , you need to speak up for yourself. " loki said as desperately tried to convince kalila but she was too used to it all that she would even try reacting,  "and what do you think that would bring me aside the fact that I will totally destroy my family's reputation,  my father's hard earned reputation. I can't become a reason for him to ever go down , in the first place I did all those thing that laid to this if I wouldn't have nothing would be wrong. " she just regretted everything she had done as she used to do everytime this thought crossed by her mind  , "oh very well , you are okay with the fact that they sexually harassed you even though you had no idea about what this all even meant , you were living with such a big secret that ate you up from my inside and still you are okay with it ?, you don't want to do anything about it cause your father's hard earned reputation will go to ruin ?,is that all you care about?" loki was close to going insane the way it broke his heart to even think how she might have managed all those time this thing took over her and she would be crying alone about it without letting anyone know how much it hurted. "that's how  it is ,?" he asked kalila who just nodded her head slowly while sniffing and hiccuping , "what about you ?, what do you want ?" loki asked her while he felt his voice crack , he could only think how much it hurt kalila to even think about this all , "I want you to see me for the real me and hate me the way I do , I don't want you to think that I am some innocent doll that is so clean that no one deserves to treat her like a dirt ." kalila nearly begged loki as she looked him in the eye with her eyes a little puffy by now , "you are so wrong brown sugar , this only made me fall for you more if that was even possible, why should I hate you for something that wasn't your fault, you were dragged into it kalila !, that only makes me realise that you deserve far more love than you already have ." loki stated as saw kalila look at him with her eye brows furrowed, she sniffed before hugging him tight . "than..k..yo..u." she shuttered as they pulled away and loki chuckled before kissing her forehead and getting up and giving his hand to kalila to get up . she smiled before taking his hand and getting up. now that all the havoc came to an end loki noticed how drenched they were  , it was still raining and they were both extremely drenched.  "let's go down stairs or you are sure to catch a cold ." Loki stated as he looked at kalila with a big smile and she smiled back , "and what about your dear one downstairs?" kalila asked loki in a teasing way making him roll his eyes , "come on she is not a dear one and we got change and then I will introduce you to her ." loki said before starting to walk down to their room , "yeah yeah your annabella. " kalila joked making loki laugh too .

"I told you to not run right !" loki shouted as they were close by to the living room while giggling,  "ah sorry seems like I got water in my ears , where you SAYING SOMETHING?" kalila shouted as she was close to the door and she quickly opened it running inside when she heard loki running after her , "don't worry brown sugar I know very well how to take that water out of your ears ." loki stated loudly as he walked in to see kalila settled on the couch with the remote in her hand and ara sitting at the other sofa facing kaila , "were you saying something?" kalila chirped with a mischievous smirk making loki chuckle , "lucky that we have guest today. " loki smiled before looking at ara , "I told you about arabella right ?, this is ara my friend and colleague and ara this is kalila my .." loki trailed off thinking of the correct word to use , "girlfriend,  I am his girlfriend. " kalila completed while forwarding her hand towards ara with a big smile on her face , ara smiled at kalila before forwarding her hand for a handshake. "nice to meet you and sorry about the misunderstanding earlier ." ara said as she smiled wickedly and kalila shook her head before sitting back in her place,  "it's alright,  it was just a new kind of occurrence loki never bring anyone home aside tom and chris and the fact about womens he seemed to have an allergy from them ." kalila stated as she started to laugh and ara just looked at loki who was just smiling at her words , if it would have been anyone who would have said that the person would have been dead by now for what ara knew loki was a cold hearted person but this side of his was quite the most unexpected one , "you again haven't dried your hairs!" loki exclaimed as he grabbed a towel that lisa handed him and walked to sit beside kalila , who just rolled her eyes at that . "you know i don't like blow drying them plus that takes a lot of time ." kalila stated while pouting slightly with a frown on her face , "then ask someone to help you , lisa is there other maids are also there to help you , why do you think I have so many maids for ?" loki asked kalila as he dried her hairs with the help of the blow dryer that lisa had got him along side the towel , "okay fine now don't go on bickering. " kalila whined making loki widen his eyes and he pulled her ears , "aren't you becoming a brat just cause I don't say anything?" loki scolded as he heard her cry in pain making him grin as he left her hair and started to do his work ,once he was done he left with the dryer and towel.  "you have him wrapped around your pink finger ." ara said with a wicked smirk as kalila turned her attention to her,  "oh maybe I do ." kalila said back with a even big evil smile on her face , ara chuckled evily before leaning forward and looking at kalila with hate in her eyes , "I will take him away from you ,just wait and watch. " ara challenged making kalila burst out into a fit of laughter,  "oh please do ,I really wanna leave him and go back to where I belong. " kalila said In a sweet sickening tone making ara get irritated as she gritted her teeths , "you think he won't leave you ?, just wait till he is done with you then you will know ." ara said with a huff of air making kalila just roll her eyes , "I really want him to get over me but he doesn't want to and he has made that quite clear today. " kalila said the last part with a little smirk before ara could reply loki had entered inside and she had again started to act nice.  when she left kalila told loki about what she said to her and just laughed at loki for having such a obsessive lover making him just roll his eyes , "you really broke that poor girls heart ,poor baby ." kalila teased loki while acting all concerned about ara , "she would have had so many Hope when she came here like she would get a kiss from you or maybe best a make out atleast out of sympathy but you broke her all Hope's poor she ." kalila said in a fake sad tone making loki smirk , with in a soft kalila was pinned down on the bed with loki hovering above her . "you feel bad for her hmm?" loki asked her with a big smile and kalila smirked back , "I do but her bad luck she chossed the wrong guy ." kkalila  said before turning to her side and closing her eyes to sleep only to abe turned around harshly  by loki as he smashed his lips over her in a heated kiss , "you can't think of getting away with what you just said better get ready from some punishment. " loki said as his hand hover over kalila's neckline and soon clothes went flying to various corner of their room and the sound of both there moans and screams could only be heard inside the room . for we know what happened after that.

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