chapter 44

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Growing up there are certain things that everyone has a different way of dealing with. Everyone has a different coping mechanism and it's actually totally natural, some adopt the concept of stressing too much, some are calm and try to find a way out, however there are some who choose to run away from their feelings. It's such an easy thing to run away from one's own feeling than facing them, that most people choose it regardless of what the situation might be.

Like that famous saying by Jane Austen that maybe if I loved you less i would be able to talk about you more, maybe that's just how it is about being hurt too, maybe if kalila didn't feel so deeply she would have been able to face her feelings, confront her emotions.

But she didn' she choose to rather push the issue to the back of her mind and drown it with her comfort kdrama. Three weeks into getting back here and nothing changed, everything was going on loop, everyday the mirroring reflecting of what yesterday was.

"Whatcha doing ~" the sudden familiar voice didn't spooked kalila in the slightest her eyes remained focused on the tv screen as she kept her mouth shut like she didn't even notice the presence of someone as the sofa dipped beside her.

A moment passed with the heat of someone's stare on kalila who remained totally unbothered by the presence beside her, when it became painful for the other person to bear her actions he finally sighed defeated before cupping kalila's face softly in his hand and turning her face towards him.

"It's been almost a month." Tom softly reminded kalila, his eyes full of sympathy as they stared into the emotionless brown orbs of kalila, who just nodded her head at his words removing Tom's hold on her gently, her eyes turning away from his earnest one, it was a quick gesture but Tom didn't missed the sudden glint in them and almost painful reminder of the messed up reality.

He stayed silent for a moment analysising what he could do in this situation, every since she had returned there was not a moment when Tom had not wondered just what he could have done to make this all end some other way, it pained him not just mentally but also physically to see the way kalila had seemed a emotionless doll. It made him wonder was there something still that he could do to bring back the women who used to always have a snarky remark on the tip of her tongue, the one who loved to roast him, the one who made him feel happy with just her stupid talks about random things.

He had genuinely cared for her since the start, she was a friend, a friend that had made him feel like living after the two people he called his friends, and it made him wish he was dead to know that not just one but two people he cared about were hurting.

"Scarlett lovers??" Tom questioned kalila breaking the deafening silence his eyes fixed on the screen, he could always recognise this series, specially when kalila had cried an ocean of tears because of this very series, it was one heck of a memory, one of their core friendship memory when they had a series marathon and he had shoot a video of kalila bawling her eyes out along aside Chris. A smile already playing on his lip at the flashes of the memory, it seemed like kalila was thinking about the very same thing as a smile graced her lip making Tom's body relax slightly.

"Can I join?" Tom didn't wanted to invade on kalila's personal time but leaving her alone didn't seemed the best thing to him either, kalila just shrugged passing him the bowl of cornflakes she was eating instead of popcorn, Tom couldn't help but laugh at the sight of them. "It's supposed to be eaten with milk kalila." Tom teased throwing a judgmental glance at kalila who just rolled her eyes before snatching the bowl from him.

"They taste better like this." She retorted trying to keep the childish whine out of her tone but the slight visible pout was still there, enough to warm Tom's heart at the sight, an almost relieved sigh leaving his lips at the change in the tense atmosphere, "you are visiting him?" And there goes the relaxation, Tom should have know it was stupid to declare that war was over with just a small comment.

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