chapter 3

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"it's.. That he.. " Kalila started trying to find the decent word to describe it. "he wants her to stay by her side but she didn't so he kidnapped her and her by his by force. " yara completed her sentence to keep her from breaking, "anyway it's all good now so let's wave that off. " afif said trying more away that topic and they all nodded , "can I get your phone? " Kalila politely asked max who nodded and handed her the phone,  she thanked him and started to surf the internet when she has found what she wanted she smiled a big smile stuck on her face, "we can catch the flight in the morning at six." Kalila infromed with a smile to yara and afif who nodded in agreement,  "do you guys have your passport? " max asked Kalila ,she nodded her head with a small smile,  "so what's the catch? " yara asked Kalila who thought for a minute or two and then smiled , " see we will leave tomorrow by four as it will be a good time for us to get away at, we will check in before it's time and will wait there , once we get into the plane to India we will be free from this. " Kalila informed them and they all rejoiced, "all that is left is to inform daddy that We are coming. " Kalila said with a relief look on her face to which both afif and yara smiled, "so we will finally be home? " afif asked and Kalila nodded with a small sad smile trying to hide the sadness in her eyes, "so should I call daddy? " Kalila asked and they both nodded,  "one minute if you are gonna call him don't you think your father's phone might be hacked as i think the person who is after you is kinda someone with a lot of power . " max pointed and Kalila's eyes went wide and she slapped her forehead thinking about that,  "you are right he had done that before or otherwise how did he knew about every little thing related to me. " Kalila said in realization while resenting every thing she had shared to anyone through her phone, "okay then you remember anyone else number? " max asked Kalila and she shook her head in a no,  " I knew only my mom and daddy's number and I am pretty sure afif also knows only that." Kalila said and afif nodded, "I know my brothers number do you think his phone might also be hacked ?" yara asked and Kalila smiled, "No I don't think so ,he never would know that. " Kalila said with a happy smile , "then call your brother. " max said and Kalila passed the phone to yara. "let's hope he picks up ."   afif mumbled underneath his breath , they all were waiting for yara's brother pick the phone up ,it was so silent that even one could hear there own heartbeat, "hello?" the voice that sounded from the other side made them all let out a breath of relief, "hello bhaijaan (big bro.)" yara said as a smiled was placed on her face , "yeah yeah i am all okay, we all are okay it's just that .." yara looked at kalila to get her approval about whether to tell everyone about what's happening , kalila shook her head in a no , "tell him that we lost our phone to a pick pocket or we were having a blast roaming through out london ." Kalila suggested to which yara nodded and blurted out an excuse mixing both of the ideas which made both Kalila and afif face palm, "ask Arhan bhaijaan if daddy is home. " Kalila requested yara while smiling and yara nodded then she asked her brother as Kalila told her, soon the phone was passed on to Kalila as the phone reached her father,  her hands were shaking as it has been a while since she last talked to him, she did something she shouldn't and in turn loki gave her the punishment that she won't be able to talk to her parents or call home for ten days then her brother and cousin sister showed up making Loki change his behavior to a oh so loving boyfriend in front of them ,what he didn't knew was that Kalila will run away as soon as she got an opportunity. Right now she was shaking just at the thought of hearing her father's voice,  "hello Kalila, where have you been these days? " Kalila's father's voice sounded from the other side of the phone and she froze for a minute as tears fell from her eyes , she couldn't even muster a single word on hearing his voice,  "daddy.. Daddy.. Daddy.. " Kalila broke into tears as she heard her dad's voice, it was just that she knew that things won't be the same once she tells her father what all had happened in this little while, "what happened my baby ?,why are you crying?,  everything is okay?,  did your brother said something to you? Why are you crying bacha (child.)  ? Did something happened who was that *###**##* who made you cry just tell me I will kill him.. " her father kept on asking her question, she knew that he was concerned and worried for her but she also knew that once he knew what had happened maybe he wouldn't even accept her so she thought it's best she doesn't tell him everything just tell him the important part. She sniffed and composed herself though the tears were falling nonstop from her eyes, "I am okay daddy, *sniffs* I just have something to tell you please don't worry about anything, everything is gonna be okay that's what I promise you. " Kalila stated slowly and her stayed silent so that she could continue speaking, "actually daddy one year ago,  you remember I told you that i had missed my exams because I was not well? " Kalila asked her father and his father hummed in response,  "someone kidnapped me that day,  and that someone turned out to be a famous business man named loki Odinson , I am sorry i couldn't have told you this before because he kept me as a hostage and i didn't wanted you guys to get involved in this. " Kalila said and drew in a big breath because she knew that everything isn't gonna be the same by no cost,  "I tried to contact the police,  do every possible thing I could have to get out of his clucthes but it didn't worked daddy.. He always managed to get everyone turn a blind eye to what he was doing. " Kalila said fisting her hand and some corner inside her heart was already crying as to the thought that she will lose her family too,  "when you sent yara and afif here by surprise it helped me and i some how just managed to escape along with them, I am currently in a construction site , here is a uncle named max he has saved us from Loki's people and we are coming to India tomorrow all I want is for you to come to kolkata airport and get us. " Kalila said and paused for a moment,  "that's all daddy. " she said waiting for her father to speak, it was silent for a minute or two that only made Kalila more anxious, she was sure that she could no more be her father's perfect daughter that she worked so hard to be,  "why didn't the police do anything? " her father asked in a serious tone breaking the silence,  "because he is not only a business tycoon but also the boss of the biggest mob ." Kalila answered lowly, "and how did he got involved with you? " her father asked and she felt the pain in her increase, the only thing that she didn't wanted was her father to think that it was her mistake to get dragged into this, "I don't know , he is like a madman he is obsessive over things, I never did anything that could get anyone's attention daddy trust me, *her voice cracks* I never would put you down and you know that . " Kalila tried to justify herself but the thing was she knew it was all over,  "I am sorry Kalila you had to go through this, I am such a bad father I never knew what you were going through. " her father voice was cracking with every passing word and at that moment Kalila knew that her father loved her no matter what, she felt so relieved like a burden had been removed from her shoulder,  "you don't need to be sorry daddy.. I love you daddy." Kalila said while tears beamed in her eyes making even yara and afif 's eyes water, "can I get a little time alone? " she said to all the present people and they nodded then left. They all moved out and then Kalila sighed, "daddy I need you guys do something will you please do that.. " Kalila requested to her father with tears in her eyes, "of course my daughter. " her father said with a small laugh to lighten the mood, "I love you daddy... Okay what I need you to do is.... " Kalila told her father her plan and then hanged up after a little more while, when she was done she called everyone inside again. "thank you so much sir for your phone. " Kalila said handing max his phone, "it's not a problem sweetie, you remind me of my daughter and helping you makes me feel like my daughter is still there with me. " max said with a smile and Kalila smiled back, "okay so we need to leave at four ." she informed to yara and afif, who just nodded there head in understanding, "you guys can sleep here, I will wake you up when it's time. " max offered and they all nodded,  "thank you so much." Kalila said humbly and max again waves it off, then Kalila along with both tried to get some sleep which was hard but both yara and afif managed to sleep for Atleast three to four ours while Kalila wasn't even able to sleep a wink, when ever she closed her eyes she heard the same thing,  "if you ever run away I will get to you doll face and would surely make you regret. " the voice sounded in her head over and over again like it was a recording, when it was finally time she woke both of yara and afif up , they all splashed some water on there face and then were about to leave when they heard cars horns,  "what is happening? " yara asked her eyes the same was the reaction of afif, Kalila felt her world crashed down as she knew that it was over for her now,  "you guys need to run , the people from yesterday are here and maybe even the boss is here , I just checked the CCTV they will be here in like ten minutes, run away from the fire exit, from when you get down into that alley take the right street road and then you will be in the main roads, get a taxi from there. " max explained while helping them all grab there bags and run away,  he stood holding the door open for them and they all did as he said, just when Kalila was about to run out she looked at max and then hugged him tight , "thank you dad, I will always remember what you did for me. " Kalila said as tears formed in her eyes as the same happened to max,  " I love you my daughter now please run I don't want him to get you again, I will try to buy you guys as much time as possible. " max said Kalila nodded then left with yara and afif, soon they all ran through the street and took a taxi ad fast as possible, by the time they reached the airport it was already 5:15 , as soon as they all had entered the airport they checked and decided that it will be a good idea to eat once they were in the plane so they all just sat there waited for there boarding announcement,  "you guys wait here I will go and get a sim card and a phone. " Kalila said and they both nodded, Kalila quickly found a shop for buying a phone and a sim, then she bought both and then ran to her brother and sister, a ten minutes later there was boarding announcement. Soon they all were in there flight and the flight took off, "now we are safe ?" yara asked Kalila who nodded her head while chuckling,  "why did you got that phone? " afif asked Kalila raising an eyebrow,  "so that I can daddy when we get to kolkata. " Kalila answered and then layed her head on the head support , "for now all I want is to sleep. " with that Kalila closed her eyes and feel asleep.

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