Chapter 31

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"brown sugar come out please ." loki requested while banging on their bedrooms door , he had been standing outside the door for the past ten minutes trying to convince kalila to open up the door but she doesn't even gives back a reply , this is making loki's patience wear thin . "look brownie if you don't open up I will just have to break in , unless you want that you would open up the door ." loki shouted so that he was audible to kalila but again like all the other times she didn't answered now this was starting to make loki anxious. he didn't wanted to think but his mind was telling him that something could be wrong , he knew kalila was a girl who wouldn't do anything stupid for such a small thing but he just couldn't stop worrying about the fact that she can harm herself, "I will count till 3 ." he announced as he thought that would be enough to make her open the door , he took in a deep breath before speaking up again . "you know I do what I say don't think of it as an empty threat ." he warned and waited maybe she would open the door but no reply again , this was enough for him he quickly pulled out his phone and texted james to get him his rooms keys from his offices locker as soon as possible . 'I hope she is okay , would she try something stupid?' loki questioned himself ,the chances were low but the thought that kalila could harm herself along side the fact that she wasn't replying made loki anxious . 'what if she does the same thing she did last time ?' he questioned himself and then shook his head while smacking his forehead with his hand , "come on loki stop being stupid ." he scolded himself and a minute later James appeared carrying the keys , "what took you so long ?" loki growled angrily before snatching the keys from his hand and quickly unlocking his door , "wait here I will call you if anything happens. " loki commanded before walking in, james just nodded his head before loki walked inside the room , the room was really dim the curtains were pulled shut unlike usual, the room was really dim so it took a moment for loki's eyes to get used to the dimness , loki was about to call out for kalila when he heard a small sob coming from the bed when he looked closely he saw a small bump kind of something under the covers of the king sized bed , clearly it was kalila he sighed before walking towards the bed . he didn't any heard any other noise , he hadn't quite seen kalila cry mostly she would be sobbing to him or shouting while her voice cracks he never saw her cry so silently like how she did right now .

he quietly settled down beside her and breathed out in relief , he was relieved that she hadn't done anything stupid, he slowly tried to remove the covers from over her but it seemed like she was holding them down with her whole strength. "brown sugar please let me see you atleast. " loki requested and waited for kalila to respond or say something but he felt her lossen her death grip on the blanket and he slowly removed it to see that kalila was covering her face with a pillow while her body racked along her silent sobs , her face wasn't visible as her hairs messily covered it , loki sighed before smiling and removing her hair's away from her face . "I am sorry , I shouldn't have shouted at you like that but I got worried over the fact that you could have got hurt move than you already were when I saw you at university today , I don't want you to harm yourself for just some stupid people ." loki explained as he placed his hand on kalila's shoulder but she shrugged her shoulder signaling him to remove his hand . "I know you are mad at me and it's totally right for you to be angry , you can shout at me as much as you want, you can curse me as much as you want but please don't stay silent like this atleast speak to me brown sugar please ."loki pleaded as he tried to rip the pillow away from her and was successful but kalila still wouldn't look at him . "leave alone ..*voice cracking * ...I don't..want to talk to you . you were the one ..*sobs*who told me not to speak. " kalila answered as she turned on the other side so that her back was facing loki , loki sighed before getting up and walking to the other side of the bed so that kalila's face would be visible to him. "I told you I am sorry for saying that ,I was just worried about you can't you forgive me for once please ." loki asked sweetly as he walked to face kalila as soon as kalila saw him she again turned to the other side. "that doesn't makes it right that you just shouted at me for no reason. " kalila said hiccuping as loki walked back to her side but she again turned her face the other way , loki sighed shaking his head before settling down on the bed beside her and started to play with her hairs but kalila tried to remove his hand away from her. "brown sugar please I said I am sorry ." loki requested while pressuring on the please , "no I won't forgive you , ..even my father...never shouted at loud ." kalila stated while shaking her head and then again started to cry, loki sat there with his mouth opening and closing like a fish but he couldn't quite find words to Express it , "I am really sorry brown sugar, I promise I would never shout at you like that ever again ." loki stated as he forcefully turned kalila towards him so that she was facing him , she was on full rebel mood so she struggled to not comply with him .
"I don't need your fake promises you said you wouldn't be rude to me but you were rude just a while back , you were so so rude ." kalila stated out and started to cry as she sat up and wiped her tears , "I am sorry brown sugar, I just was so angry that I lost it and shouted at you ." loki apologized as he tried to pull kalila to him and placed her on his lap even do she kept on struggling pushing him away, "stop it or i will tie your hands ." loki said in a quite bolder voice like he was close to shouting and kalila stopped struggling and looked up at him, "see you again shouted at me. " she said while pointing a finger at loki who seemed out of words, "no no ..I wasn't.." loki tried to convince but she shook her head while pouting and sniffing as she again started to cry , "you don't care for me- you wouldn't have shouted at me if you have thought that it would hurt me ." kalila stated as she started to sob while loki just shook his head while cupping kalila's face in his hands and wiping her tears , "that's not how it is brown sugar please don't say that, I do care for you that's why I scolded you in the first place cause I was scared that you could have gotten hurt ." loki explained while he tried to stop kalila from crying who's sobs got a little subdued by his words, "really?" she asked him in a small child like voice loki started to nod his head desperately to convince kalila, "okay I get it.."kalila's words made a smile to appear on loki's face, "but I am still not convinced. " she stated with a pout on her face making his smile drop but that didn't said long when he saw that she was just acting , "hmm how should I convince you ?" loki talked loud to himself, "how about I get you some of your favorite ice cream ?" loki asked her making her face lit up and her pout got replaced by a happy smile which made her eyes shine brighter , "that would be the best ." she answered back before hugging him , "hmm I thought you would have gonna a little more while without agreeing. " loki answered while chuckling in reply to which kalila waved her hand , "what could have that gotten me ?" she questioned raising an eyebrow, loki smirked before pecking her lips lightly getting a small blush on kalila's pale cheeks in return, "I could probably get you some of chocolates too but now that you have agreed.." loki trailed off wiping her tears and she pouted slightly at the loss of her chocolates , loki chuckled at her behavior before kissing her forehead. "I guess I will get two chocolates for you and a tub of your favorite ice cream ." Loki announced making kalila's jaw drop as she squeaked before hugging loki tight , "you are the best ." Kalila chriped as she hugged him tight and he chuckled rubbing her back . "I am sorry brown sugar I shouldn't have shouted like that , it might have scared you." Loki apologised as he frowned , kalila pulled away from him and then placed a kiss to his cheeks . "It's okay but please don't shout at me like that again , it scares me ." She answered while placing her head back on loki's chest which was drumming mad , "last time I checked you weren't scared of me ." He replied back with a sly smirk while kalila just rolled her eyes , "age problem i guess , you didn't heard me correctly, i said 'it scared me' which means i am scared of someone shouting not scared of that person ." She logicate making loki chuckle, he pulled her nose while she just pouted scrunching it , "you better keep your smart mouth under watch if you don't wanna get spanked ." Loki warned as he made a fake serious face , "so you are gonna hurt me huh ?"  Kalila asked with a pout on her face and loki felt himself go blank when she said that . "Ofcourse not brown sugar , how can i hurt you , i was just teasing you ." he answered pulling kalila closer to him and placing his forehead against hers . "my mom once said "a man who hits a women is not classified to call himself a man ." loki answered making kalila look up at him with a surprised look on her face , this was the first time he had ever said anything about his past and that gave kalila some courage . "I am sure she would have been proud of you ." she said back while a small smile played on her face , "tell me more about you. I want to know you ." she pleaded as she intertwined her fingers with loki's and looked up at him with a big smile on her face . loki smiled back before placing a prolonged kiss on kalila's forehead before pecking her nose . "I will , how about we get your ice cream tub before that ?" loki suggested and kalila nodded her head . loki got up while kalila was still had her hand wrapped around his neck and his one hand was below her butt keeping her in place while she wrapped her legs around his torso . "you can put me down ." kalila whispered as he started to walk downstairs towards the kitchen ."nope you have had a tiring day and so I just want you to rest ." loki announced as they had just stepped down kalila's phone was ringing could be heard all around the house , "where did you left it ?" he asked her as he placed a quick kiss on her lips making her slap his shoulder, "in the living room and can you please put me down it's getting awkward ." kalila whispered to loki as she looked at him with a small pout playing on her lips as loki continued to walk to the living room , "sure why not ." he answered as he suddenly let go making kalila squeak and close her eyes in terror of falling only for loki to tighten his grip on her again , "want me to do it again ?" loki asked with a teasing smirk as he saw kalila glate daggers at him . "you are an asshole. " kalila hissed at him making him chuckle at her choice of words , "and you gonna get spanked for those words ." he declared as they entered inside the living room and twirl kalila around only for her to tighten her grip on him and giggle as he chuckled at her . when they reached by the sofa loki dipped her down so that she could grab her phone from the table after that he pulled her back to him as he again started to walk to the kitchen with kalila still in his arms . "hello ?" kalila blurted as she connected the phone to her ears , "speaker ." loki whispered in her ear making her roll her eyes as she did what loki had asked her , "who is it ?" kalila asked again when no answer was made from the other side , "your secret admirer. " the answer that came from the other side made loki halt his action as he looked at kalila with wide eyes who just gave him a confused expression , "well why does your voice sounds so familiar?,  do I know you ?" she asked politely and was responded with a humm , "come on yar tell me who you are?" kalila whined knowing that if it was any of her old friends they will probably speak up , "now you don't even remember me wow you told me that you would atleast not forget me ." the voice from the other side accused making kalila furrow her eyebrows , "listen I know that you aren't tom Holland or lee min ho so it is hard to remember who you are cause those were the only mens I can remember till end ." she answered with an annoyed voice making both the man and loki to go silent as he just looked at kalila with a smirk although he couldn't deny the jealousy he felt when she said about her celebrity crushes,  "okay okay cool down , it's me fahyan remember miss lawyer ." the voice who turned out to be kalila's old classmate said making her gasp,  "it's really you , ya allah you just gave me a heart attack . how did you get my number ?" she inquired as she saw loki give her a look of irritation making her chuckle , "wasn't much of a challenge just had to contact some of the old classmates we had in common ." he answered making kalila nod even though she knew he couldn't see her , "well atleast you remembered me , I thought you would have forgot cause we literally had no contact in past 6 to 7 years since I have left india ." kalila ranted out as she signalled loki to either walk or put her down , loki as an answer kissed her cheek and started to walk to the kitchen once inside he placed kalila on the island while walking to the fridge to get her ice cream while she happily chatted with her long lost friend.  "so still a miss or mrs?" her friend asked as loki placed a kiss to her neck making her bit back on her lips to hold back a moan , she knew what loki was trying to do so she just glared at him . "well fortunately miss but don't know for how less time cause once I return to india I doubt my parents would want me home ." she answered laughing at the last part herself while her friend laughed along,  "that means I need to send a wedding proposal to your house before they already have someone else finalized?" her friend teased making her go red as she knew that loki would surely not late that pass easily , "well maybe they already might have someone ready, who knows?" kalila stated as loki came to stand between her parted legs and placed his hand on her thighs . "ahh i see , what about you?, do you have someone finalized?" her friend asked while loki placed his index finger below her chin and tilted her head up so that she was looking at him , his eyes looked so deep that it made her shudder . "maybe I do ." she answered still in a trance as she saw the look in loki's eyes , a smile graced on her own lips as pulled loki by his collar and smashed her lips on his in a sweet kiss when she pulled away she winked at loki . "okay it was nice talking to you bro I have to go now we will do some catching up later bye ." kalila answered as she hanged up while grinning at loki ,"you aren't talking to him ever again ." loki declared as he crashed his lips on her's in a heated kiss which only lead to ..ya know what it is .


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